"I live without you I can not, I knew it the first day ..."

- I live without you I can not,
I knew it the first day ...
As if on full tilt
The horse suddenly lifted over the precipice.
- And I can not without you.
I waited so much! And tired.
As if the white snow
The storm caught my soul.
Agreed, missed the way,
But he called her from everywhere.
And quietly asked: "Do not be sad ...»
And quiet heard: "I will ...»
Once at full gallop
With the horse he fell on the set ...
- I live without you I can not, -
She whispers to him in the darkness.
He raved about the power of love ... But
Again he returned to life.
And death has given way to "Live!»
And start all over again.
- I live without you I can not ... -
He smiled at her wearily,
- Do you remember the white snow
Overcast you somehow found?
Snowflakes stuck to his head,
And the drops of dew on the eyelashes ...
I live without you I can not,
And then, nothing will happen.
Andrei Dementyev
Photos on the preview Anatoly Cherkas
via vk.com/anatoliycherkas
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