Sea salt is not useful to the ordinary 3 Interesting facts
It seems to be: salt and salt, that it can be special? It turns out, can. Site found interesting new details this vital product that hastens to share with you! How to distinguish different kinds of salt? H2> Now on sale you can find a few dozen types of salt, such as "salt Margarita" or " salt popcorn. " Chemically these salts are identical and are composed of sodium chloride at 99%. However, the difference is still there - the difference in grinding. There is scaly and melkocheshuychataya salt, salt large, fine, ultrafine and fine grinding.
How salt water for pasta? h2> In the matter of adding salt when cooking pasta full of superstitions. Someone thinks that the salt water should be immediately put pot on the stove, the other - when it began to boil. A first throw some pasta and then mix the salt. How correctly from the point of view of science?
Is it true that sea salt is healthier normal? h2> Unfortunately, no. The difference between sea salt and ordinary is their method of preparation: offshore production, respectively, from sea water, a tablespoon - by leaching of the rock salt deposits and subsequent evaporation.