Brother to packed a small gift so that it would take a whole day to unpack it
The guy bought his younger brother's SD-card for 16 Gb and a gift card for $ 10 on Google Play. Do you think he was going to just hand them in his hands? No matter how true! He decided to play his brother, that he properly pomuchalsya before your get to the point already suffering a gift.
That's just the gift itself - SD-Card 16 Gb and a gift card for $ 10 in Google Play.
First he put in a gift box from a DVD, you used to be a disk with cartoons for children of preschool age.
Then he shook his death with plastic ties.
Then it's time to wrap this thing a little scotch.
We said a little bit? We mean death.
Then it is traditionally wrapped it all in gift paper, and seemingly, on it all had to end ..
But this was only the beginning for the most interesting. Then he put in a plastic gift box.
As you may have guessed, this photo jars of glitter is here not just.
He just drowned a gift in sequins, so pull it out and do not get dirty, and now it was simply impossible.
You might think, "Holy shit, no doubt Well, this is the end of the fraternal madness. Where more trenchant something !? ", but in fact it is not the end.
Then he closed the box lid, which are glued with superglue.
And then he just shook his boxing circuits, cementing their castle.
The guy wrote that gift on the package, he spent about $ 13 and promised to publish a video about how his brother will unpack it all.
: Mirfactov.com
That's just the gift itself - SD-Card 16 Gb and a gift card for $ 10 in Google Play.

First he put in a gift box from a DVD, you used to be a disk with cartoons for children of preschool age.

Then he shook his death with plastic ties.

Then it's time to wrap this thing a little scotch.

We said a little bit? We mean death.

Then it is traditionally wrapped it all in gift paper, and seemingly, on it all had to end ..

But this was only the beginning for the most interesting. Then he put in a plastic gift box.

As you may have guessed, this photo jars of glitter is here not just.

He just drowned a gift in sequins, so pull it out and do not get dirty, and now it was simply impossible.

You might think, "Holy shit, no doubt Well, this is the end of the fraternal madness. Where more trenchant something !? ", but in fact it is not the end.

Then he closed the box lid, which are glued with superglue.

And then he just shook his boxing circuits, cementing their castle.

The guy wrote that gift on the package, he spent about $ 13 and promised to publish a video about how his brother will unpack it all.
: Mirfactov.com
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