The best way to feed the cats?

The debate about what to feed the cats - is eternal. Sometimes the animals to feed people are much more anxious than your. In general, they are right - trapped in an apartment cat can not eat lunch by yourself at your leisure. Unfortunately, the choice often is done under the influence of advertising. But believe me, do not pussy would buy Whiskas, whether it is in the money.
Of course, dry cat food is very convenient, in fact, it is indispensable when you are away for a long time or just go to work. On one condition - it has to be premium and directly target your pet. Kitten - kotyache Kastrati - kastratovo. And do not try to give cats dog food - because the granules are mixed artificial relations, risk ogresti protein poisoning, urolithiasis, or other things, a very expensive treatment and diagnosis.
The above-mentioned food, contrary to belief, is not so expensive.
A much-touted "frosted" canned - just self-indulgence. Saturate animals they can not, but perfectly amuse vanity owners.
However, I believe that cats have to eat meat, especially if it's kittens and adult animals manufacturers! Nobody forces you to carry their money in the market and give them for veal. Chicken gizzards and guts - our everything! Well, if they are untreated - in nature nobody cut up cat dinner. Well, if your cat is capable of gnawing raw chicken neck - a perfect mineral supplement.
Now let us make on concrete:
I have three Britons. Cats thoroughbred, exhibition. Therefore, the food must be very good. It depends on the power of the animal's appearance.
1. The fish is categorically impossible !!!! It causes the ICD.
2. If the cat does not drink milk, rightly so. After three months in an animal disappears enzyme which digests milk. So it is stopped to give, after three months.
3. Smetanka and cream can only nizkokoloriynye (10%)
4. I give my cats not only naturalku (meat), and drying. Remember, if you give dry food, it must be the food of super-premium. "Whiskas" and all the "Kitekety" not only will not give anything good, but will only get worse. What a super premium pet food?
-Royal Canin (Royl Canin)
-purine Pro Plan (Purina Pro Plan)
-Akana (Acana)
-Oridzhen (Orijen)
-Bozita (Bozita)
-Yams (Iams)
-Eukanuba (Eukanuba)
These feed exactly done nothing wrong. Instead, give your pet the necessary vitamins and elements.
I give their cats like naturalku - meat. Peremorozhenaya beef-mince. No pork or lamb is impossible, since fat is not desirable. More I cook chicken breasts and give them. My eldest does not eat beef. So I had to give him canned cat. All in the same way, no Whiskas and Kiteketov.
-Edel Cat
-Royal Canin
If you have more questions - write, I will answer with pleasure!