Why should we stop fighting with others.

The time and energy we spend on retaliatory attacks by offenders, could make us rich and independent if these enormous forces have focused on affirmative action - in the creation, rather than destruction. The average person spends three-quarters of life on the useless, destructive actions.
There is only one effective way to punish someone who did badly towards you, - to respond to evil with good. Most "hot coals collected at the head of a man" - is good, committed in response to zhestokost.Chelovek covered by hatred, not only waste time in vain, but also inhibits the most valuable impulses of his soul, losing the ability to constructive action. Hate can cause harm only to those who indulge it. Strong drink and drugs have on the human body is not more devastating effect than anger and hatred. Happy people are strong enough and wise to rise above intolerance, selfishness, greed and petty jealousy. All these feelings are destroying the best impulses of the soul and opens the human heart to violence.
Anger never brought anyone good. Generous people, as a rule, never angry, and rarely try to hurt neighbors or upset their plans. One can only envy the one who is able to forgive and forget the insult inflicted on him. These people can rise to a state of happiness, which is not given to experience the majority of ordinary mortals.
How much time will it take us to learn how to go through life hand in hand, with love by helping one's neighbor rather than to hurt each other?
When we understand that the only criterion for success in life - service to mankind? When we realize that the greatest benefits are granted life to those who can not be primitive thirst for destruction of others?
"Lost secrets of prosperity", Napoleon Hill