Genuine intimacy.

Genuine intimacy in relationships are characterized by the ability to tell (and show) their darker sides of a loved one without fear of rejection and "declassified." In a truly intimate relationship fear simply locks the opened sense of love and a sense of oneness with your loved one. Goes Social grafted all of us desire to embellish themselves, their achievements, and therefore lie: there is simply no sense in this: there is a desire to be seen by others for what you have.
Accordingly, the other (if it is really close) people are increasingly recognizing you, watching your uniqueness, it comes in more and more delight in the recognition. Therefore, do not be afraid to disappoint your loved one, you are, so what you have. Met by chance in life and leave you disappointed. With this loving revelation (wonderful word!) To get closer you. Leave the lies and falsehood in the relationship, there will be only light.
Abbot Evmeny