15 most amazing animal hybrids
Many animal species susceptible crossing each other - and the people for a long time have learned to use to develop new breeding species. But it is not only a man is capable of creating hybrids: often they arise by themselves. < Website put together a selection of the most interesting results of such crossings.
mulard h2> This form is obtained by crossing wild and domestic ducks musk. The last are found in South and Central America - easily recognizable by their similarity with the character of "Star Wars" Darth Maul. Mulard artificially withdrawn for meat, they can not produce offspring.
Zubron h2> Zubron - a cross between a cow domestic and European bison. Once they were considered an excellent substitute for ordinary cows (zubrony endurance and resistance to various diseases have mentioned), but today, a small herd of these animals live in one of the national parks in Poland.
Ovtsekoza h2> This hybrid is obtained by crossing a sheep or goat with a goat to sheep. On the surface, these animals are similar, but genetically they are very different. The vast majority of these cubs are born dead - alive are extremely rare. However, sometimes people are artificially created hybrids, combining goat and sheep embryos.
Yagulev h2> This is the offspring of a male jaguar and lions, are extremely rare. Two yagulva that you see in these pictures - the result of a romantic relationship jaguar named Diabolo lioness and Lola. The couple met in the Reserve Ontario and became inseparable. Their children called Jazhara (left) and Tsunami (right).
Liger h2> liger - a cross between a male lion and a tigress, female. There were legends about the appearance of these animals in the wild, but they have no evidence. They are now found only in captivity, where they are taken specifically. There is a myth that Ligers not cease to grow all their lives, but that's not true. However, they really get much bigger than the parents - Ligers are the largest cats in the world. In this picture the biggest liger nicknamed Hercules. Its weight - 418 kg.
Tigon h2> Tigon - a hybrid of the tiger-male and lionesses-females. Unlike Leagrove they do not exceed the size of their parents, but not inferior to them. And Ligers and tigrolvy able to produce their own offspring, creating confusion with the name of species cubs.
zebroid h2> zebroid - a cross between a zebra with a horse, donkey or pony. This hybrid has been known for a long time, it is even mentioned in the works of Darwin. Most often obtained with the physiology of the male inherited from a parent and a non-zebra stripes on some parts of the body. Zebroid - wild animals rather than domestic, difficult to tame and behave more aggressively than the horse.
Koyvolk h2> Coyotes and red wolves are very similar genetically and divided approximately 150-300 thousand years ago. Their mating is not only possible - it is becoming more commonplace. Another thing is the coyote and gray wolf - they are genetically diverged about 1-2 million years ago. Nevertheless, such hybrids are found, albeit rarely. As a rule, the offspring of coyotes and wolves turns in size somewhere between the parents, and behavioral characteristics, and also inherit from coyotes and wolves.
Arctic Grizzly h2> Arctic Grizzly - a cross between a white and brown bears. Such hybrids are very rare in the wild (in 2006, for example, one such hunter shot a bear in Alaska), but most of them live in zoos. According to the habits of these animals closer to polar bears than brown.
Savannah h2> Savannah - a hybrid domestic cat and an African serval. These amazing animals are loyal habits are more like dogs - go on the heels of their owners around the house, wag their tails and bring joy stick or thrown ball. Savannah is not afraid of water and take a shower with pleasure. In general, ideal pets - though very expensive.
Kitolfin h2> If the male orca an affair with a female bottlenose dolphins, you are born small kitolfiny. However, there is rarely.
Bison h2> This animal - a cross between the American bison and normal cows. Such hybrids have been known since the 1800s. Bison is much friendlier parents and cause less damage to the prairies in which inhabit. Meanwhile, the proliferation of hybrids have a problem saving themselves bison. At the present time, according to experts, there are only four stages, not "propped" cow genes.
mules h2> In essence, hinny - a mule vice versa. Mule - it is a cross between a male donkey and a female horse-and hinny - a cub-male horse and a female donkey,. Mules slightly smaller than mules, and are less common.
Narluga h2> narwhal and beluga belong to one family monodontidae, so it is not surprising that they occasionally interbreed. Recently, such hybrids were more likely to occur in the North Atlantic, which many experts attributed to climate warming.
Cam h2> Before 1998 there was no such animal. They decided to bring mad scientists from the Centre for breeding camels in Dubai. Kama - the result of crossing a male dromedary with a female llama by artificial insemination. To date, they have managed to produce only five of these hybrids.
Tso h2> Tso - a hybrid of yak and cow home. They can be found mainly in Tibet and Mongolia, which are valued for their meat and milk. Dzo larger and sturdier than the parents, so that can be used as beasts of burden.
leopon h2> leopon - a hybrid of a male leopard lioness-female. In the wild, the animal is almost impossible to see - artificially withdrawn in captivity. In leopon head and mane of a lion and the body - like a leopard.