Music supreme cosmic spheres.

Music supreme cosmic spheres. Listening to this music, you will feel in space, in a new state, in which all earthly falling by the wayside, and before you open the gates to the unknown world.
The photograph of the Earth taken in 1990, "Voyager" from a distance of 6 billion km.
Arguments astronomer Carl Sagan about this picture:
We managed to take a picture and if you look into it, you can see the point. That's her. This is our house. This is us. Here, everyone you know, everyone you love, everyone whom you have ever heard of, every human being ever born, lived here. Here are all our joy and misery, thousands of true beliefs, ideologies and economic doctrines. Every hunter and gatherer, every hero and coward, every founder and destroyer of civilization, every king and commoner, all young lovers, all children, full of hope, all the mothers and fathers, every inventor and explorer, every spiritual master, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every high official, every saint and sinner in each of the human race lived there - on this speck, dangling in the beams of sunlight.
Earth - only a tiny part of the vast space. Think of the rivers of blood shed by countless generals and emperors to triumph at any moment to conquer a small part of this point. Think about the atrocities committed by the inhabitants of one of the points of the inhabitants of other parts of it. As it is difficult to gain an understanding of how easy they are killing each other like their hatred boils. Our principles, our belief in self-worth, a belief in what we are playing some crucial role in the universe - all that eclipses pale dot on the photos.
Our planet - a single grain of sand, wrapped in infinite darkness of space. Out of this darkness - because of this infinity - we have nowhere to wait for help, no one to save us from ourselves. To do this we must do. Someone once said that astronomy teaches humility - and I would add that it builds character. I think that this image of our tiny little world right only shows how dangerous human vanity. This picture underlines the importance to learn to treat each other with compassion and good as it is necessary to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot this - the only home we have.
Earth, my only home. Michael Jackson
WHY CAN Nikola Tesla called the greatest mad scientist in history?