Earth, my only home. Michael Jackson

Earth, my only home,
Someone strange whim of the empty space,
Earth can not be what you
Only the cloud of dust among blacks,
Only a small ball that is about to burst,
Only a piece of metal that floats through space,
Only a speck of matter in a perpetual flux,
Asteroid huge, lone ship.
Just a stone cold, lifeless, dark
And once the chasm completely doomed ...
No, do not believe all this is true, I know,
You live and tender you my dear,
You are saved me his concern,
The breeze and the waves gently caress,
So many of the deepest feelings you give me so generously,
And in my heart you are the music come to life.
In my heart live the mysteries of ancient times
And the magic of the song departed tribes,
And I heard the echoes of dance alive
The rhythm of the tides, sounding in time with my pulse.
When I saw a thunderstorm or a violent storm,
They felt the fury in me.
I tasted the bitterness and sweetness and salt,
I learned the joy of meeting, love, happiness and pain.
Aromas, lush colors of the day
You easily again and again surprise me.
And I opened your beauty secret -
Infinite bliss filled every moment.
Earth can not be what you
Only the cloud of dust among blacks,
Only a small ball that is about to burst,
Only a piece of metal that floats through space,
Only a speck of matter in a perpetual flux,
Asteroid huge, lone ship.
Just a stone cold, lifeless, dark
And once the chasm completely doomed ...
No, do not believe all this is true, I know,
You live and tender you my dear,
You are saved me his concern,
The breeze and the waves gently caress,
So many of the deepest feelings you give me so generously,
And in my heart you are the music come to life.
The gentle glow, Earth,
With all my heart I love you.
Michael Jackson, the poem "Planet Earth" from the book "Dancing the dream." (translation: A. Kisilenko, L. Kostyukhin)