10 interesting facts about the Northern Lights.

The natural magnetism
The northern lights are called polar wonder, because it occurs not only at the North Pole of the Earth, but also in the South. The iron core, which is the foundation of the world, acts as a giant magnet and attracts the charged particles. Most of all, this attraction manifests itself at the magnetic poles, which are located near the geographic poles, though not identical with them.
Paints aurora
Modern physics responds to a question about the colors of the aurora: known to be the Earth's atmosphere is not uniform, and the charged particles of the solar wind on the different "color" its various components: nitrogen raging violet, and oxygen - red and green.
Light from heaven window
The Eskimos of Alaska, from century to century observing the aurora, believe that the so-shining clouds, on which light from the windows of the heavenly palace. This palace is invisible, we live in it souls hunters, over the roof of his burning polar star. But when I want to look at having left their homes, they open the window and see the land of magical glow in the sky.
Signs of over
Unusually bright auroras are often perceived as a good sign from above. According to legend, before the battle with the Crusaders on Lake Peipsi army Alexander Nevsky see the northern lights, very bright for this area. The soldiers took it as a sign that they hurry to the aid of the heavenly host.
Bridge of the Gods
The ancient Norse believed that the aurora - a bridge over which the gods descend to earth. Another Norwegian legend has it that the aurora occurs because the starlight reflected off the shields of the Valkyries.
Song of the North
Aurora can sing. Scientists have found that the collision of the solar wind with the Earth's surface generates infrasound at a frequency of 7-13 Hz. Hear the sound of the aurora borealis, without special equipment impossible. For comparison, the frequency of the human voice - 300-3400 Hz, and our ear perceives sounds with a frequency of 16 Hz.
Spots and tape
Auroras - tape or a spot, and sometimes they are transformed: the tape is smeared, and a spot on the contrary, it becomes clearer and sharper. It depends on the radiation intensity.
How to measure aurora
There is a special classification which radiance divided into four classes, each with different degrees of brightness. The first class, very pale, almost imperceptible combines lights, no brighter than the Milky Way. The most striking, the fourth class includes flashes, bright as the full moon.
Universe and we
Aurora occurs after the sun releases energy and outbreaks. Scientists disagree on whether the impact on human life, this phenomenon. One thing is certain: the aurora - a point of contact between the cosmos and our planet. Just the thought can make the heart beat stronger and tune in a mystical way.
Songs and Dances
Many travelers have noted that during the aurora residents of northern villages facing the street, satisfied with ritual dances and sing their songs viscous. Psychologists call this phenomenon meryachenem. Even in today's world you can find a corner, where the indigenous population performs ritual dances during the radiance of the heavenly fire.
Where to see the northern lights
Excellent choice - to go in the fall (September-October) or early spring (February-March) in the northern part of Finland. We recommend to visit the famous House of Lapland and the Northern Lights in the town Pohiyan Kruul - a veritable museum of aurora, which operates year-round.
Also, you can admire the aurora in Sweden popular among tourists town Kiruna. And the residents of Norway believe aurora native Norwegian phenomenon. Northern Norway - one of the most convenient places for observation of celestial lights, as this part of the country is in the vicinity of the North Pole.
Those who want to see the Northern Lights in Russia, is to go to Karelia. Residents of Petrozavodsk annually observed aurora at the end of March.
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