15 secrets of how to make the dish even tastier
It is no secret that many of us do not have time and sometimes imagination to figure out how to make the taste of familiar dishes more interesting, and it all comes down to the usual salt - pepper.
It turns out that significantly affect the taste of food can be even the smallest details that we sometimes do not pay attention - both in negative and in a positive way.
We are in the Website find 15 tips that can help improve the taste of your favorite dishes.
1. Do not cook in a microwave often h3>
2. Do spices and herbs still fragrant h3>
3. Add a little wine h3>
4. Salt, pepper, sugar - to taste h3>
5. Cook sauces h3>
6. Add the onion and garlic at the last minute h3>
7. Use flavored extracts h3>
8. Do not cut in tomato seeds h3>
9. Add herbs h3>
10. Keeping fresh oil h3>
11. Red-hot frying pan h3>
12. Use butter h3>
13. Take advantage of crispy fried h3>
14. Use the "fifth taste» h3>
15. Bake until golden brown h3>
It turns out that significantly affect the taste of food can be even the smallest details that we sometimes do not pay attention - both in negative and in a positive way.
We are in the Website find 15 tips that can help improve the taste of your favorite dishes.
1. Do not cook in a microwave often h3>
Microwaves spoil the taste of many dishes, and they obtained not the same as if they had been prepared on the stove or in the oven. Undoubtedly, we use a microwave for speed, so that does not sacrifice taste, should look for tested recipes in haste, but for cooking in the oven or on the stove.
2. Do spices and herbs still fragrant h3>
If a pinch of spices or herbs to warm a couple of minutes in hot oil, then it will reveal more of their flavor and aroma. It is this technique used in Indian cooking, where it is used to warm clarified butter ghee. By the way, the taste of some spices can change after roasting. For example, mustard seeds change their taste with a sharp-soft nutty.
3. Add a little wine h3>
Wine significantly enrich the taste and flavor of food, especially stews, stews and meat dishes. Because alcohol evaporates at high temperatures, such dishes fit even the smallest. The general rule is that red wine should be added to the red meat and white - the white. With the addition of wine can also cook great sauces.
4. Salt, pepper, sugar - to taste h3>
Toasted products please us more intense, full-bodied taste. To ensure that you get a golden brown, season with chicken, vegetables and seafood pinch of sugar. Likewise, you can accelerate the process of caramelizing onions, garlic and carrots, pour them in a saucepan a spoonful of sugar.
5. Cook sauces h3>
Homemade sauces are prepared simply and quickly, they can even make dumplings usual sparkle with new colors. Very easy to prepare sauces based juice, which allocates meat or vegetables in the cooking process, with the addition of wine or a mixture of flour and butter.
6. Add the onion and garlic at the last minute h3>
The desired flavor of onion and garlic erode with time, so it is best to cut them just before you want to use them. By the way, onion rings soaking in a solution of 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 cup of water a few tame their sharp taste - this trick can be used to prepare a salad with onions.
7. Use flavored extracts h3>
Make your meals and drinks even more vivid help flavored extracts. A whole palette of flavors at your disposal - vanilla, mint, almond, rum, citrus. Many extracts are not only suitable for baking, they enhance the flavor of many other dishes. For example: add a few drops of walnut extract in the morning cereal or cottage cheese, rum extract - in coffee, mint extract will go perfectly with chocolate desserts.
8. Do not cut in tomato seeds h3>
The core - the most fragrant and delicious part of the tomato. The only time you may need to separate it - a clear indication of the recipe, so the tomato juice from the pulp is not damaged dish. Incidentally, tomato pulp and seeds are most rich in vitamin C, which in them about as much as an orange.
9. Add herbs h3>
Such fresh herbs with a rough texture, like thyme, rosemary, sage and oregano, should be added at the beginning of the preparation of hot dishes - so you will uncover most of their flavor and improve texture. Delicate herbs - dill, parsley, cilantro, basil - is added at the end, because so they will retain their rich green color and seethe.
10. Keeping fresh oil h3>
The fats in butter, vegetable oils and nuts may eventually go rancid and literally soak all this corrosive odor. We are protecting our fats, minimizing the access to them of oxygen and light - it has to slow down the process. Keep nuts and butter in the freezer, peanut butter - in the refrigerator, and cooking - in a dark, cool and dry place.
11. Red-hot frying pan h3>
To prepare a good cell should not be neglected advice how to warm up the pan on the fire. The bubbles in the oil will tell you when to start roasting vegetables and oil coming from the light smoke signals that can spread to the pan protein-rich foods - fish, meat, eggs.
12. Use butter h3>
Butter gives the already familiar dishes special, mild taste - try to roast your steak in a mixture of butter and vegetable oil, and appreciate the difference. Also butter could be used as a thickener for the sauce. But the use of margarine containing trans fats, definitely should be avoided.
13. Take advantage of crispy fried h3>
These tiny pieces of gold remaining in the pan after frying, literally absorbed the flavor and aroma of dishes. To expand their capacity, pour the hot pan a little liquid - wine, broth or juice, chips scoop, which will float on the surface, and add it to soups, stews and stir-fry.
14. Use the "fifth taste» h3>
Interesting fact: scientists have confirmed that, in addition to the four basic tastes, our receptors are able to discern even a unique fifth taste, called "umami". Umami - the taste of soy sauce. This product is rich in natural glutamate and creates a sense of "meat feast" in the language. A couple of teaspoons of soy sauce will be an additional decoration for stew, side dish and rice or soup.
15. Bake until golden brown h3>
With a ruddy crust on the chicken we have already dealt with the same pastries acts "rosy" principle - keep everything in the oven as long as the color is not nice and golden. To track color and not bring your masterpiece to the stage of charcoal, use the form of heat-resistant glass.
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