WORLD fractals and holographic

"As above so below, is set in the image of the One»
Hermes Trismegistus
"Mnogorazlichie should embrace more in a single or simple»
How often can be traced to the universality of knowledge and its application in various sectors of life? As examples of the exact sciences are often used in humanitarian fields of human activity? And how often, in the end, the private could be a reflection of the whole?
One possible example for an answer to these questions is such a thing as a fractal.
Fractal - a geometric shape with the property of self-similarity, that is composed of several parts, each of which is similar throughout the whole figure.
Its versatility in application and dissemination of human life is amazing. Fractals - mathematics in art
A fractal is a mathematical term for a sophisticated and accurate calculation is based on precise mathematical principles, it is widely used in computer graphics and building many computer processes.
Now, the use of fractal extends from mathematics to art, but the most surprising is that having dug deeper, you come to the conclusion that it displays the most basic principles of the esoteric structure of the universe.
The main laws of the universe - the law or the law of Fractal Hologram is stated as follows: Space (Unity) in an individual form - is an element (Variety) in global form. Element (Variety) in individual form - a space (Unity) in global form

The origin of the term
Fractals - mathematics in art
Fractals - a structure consisting of parts that are similar to the whole. Translated from Latin, «fractus» means "crushed, broken, broken." In other words, it is self-similarity of a private in the framework of geometric shapes. There is an exact science of studying and drawing up of fractals - fraktazm.
The term "fractal" was introduced to mathematics Maldenbrot Benoit in 1975, which is considered to be the year of birth fraktazma.
In mathematics, for fractals understand set of points in Euclidean space with a fractional metric dimension or metric dimension different from the topological. And of course, like any other mathematical science, fraktazm filled with many complex formulas and theoretical research.
It is noteworthy that Maldenbrot was not the discoverer of fractals, though he is masterful, but simply combined and summarized data in the system.
Fractals are ubiquitous and quite familiar to everyone. Maldenbrot wrote about this in his work "The Fractal Geometry of Nature».
The simplest example of a fractal can serve as a tree, where each branch of the larger repeats that to turn repeats the tree itself. The same can be observed in the circulatory system of the body, snowflakes and clouds, winter pictures on the windows, the appearance of many living creatures, etc.
Fractals in the visual arts
Returning to the past, in the art of mankind, as in nature, you can easily find examples of the use of fractals. Notable works in this system is a drawing by Leonardo da Vinci's "The Deluge", prints by the Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai and E. Escher works are also a vivid example of a fractal and the list is endless.
Thus, the existence of fractal gone beyond mathematical theory, and found its resting place in many areas of life, including clearly represented in the art of the twentieth century. new forms of art, which are based on fractal graphics.
Fractal expressionism or fraktalazh in amazing works of D. Nielsen, monotypes by L.Livshits fractal, fractal abstraction V.Ribasa, fractal realism Useinov B. and A. Sundukova. Fractal paintings have become an integral part of the visual arts, participating in exhibitions worldwide. Fractal has become one of the most popular and sought after events in the post-modernism of our century.

As another example, we can highlight the work of a very young Italian artist Silvia Kordedda that using special fractal calculations, creates beautiful flowers, fantastic and unique.
Fractal ubiquitous
Using fractal art does not end there, they found an incredibly large area of application, starting with mathematics and ending with the literature.
Widespread computer fractal graphics, which is used for modeling and a variety of designs and layouts. Surprisingly, even the principles of fractal used in business for the analysis of markets and exchanges. In biology model and examined the population and the development of the internal organs.
Fractals - mathematics in art
I asked myself, how can a book be infinite. It never occurred to anything but cyclical, going around the circle volumes, the volume, which repeats the last page first, which allows it to go on forever
HL Borges
Perhaps the most interesting and surprising is considered to be a manifestation of fractal literature. The easiest and most well-known example of childhood as always - everyone knows these lines: "The priest had a dog, he loved her. She ate a piece of meat, he killed her. The ground buried, an inscription written that the priest had a dog ... "and so on to infinity. Also, an example is the well-known parable of the butterfly Chuang Tzu. By fractal literature also include wreaths sonnets and more.
As can be seen, fractal manifested in our world is incredibly multifaceted, has both practical and aesthetic value, which in itself, in terms of the organization of the whole of our world, is an example.