UNIVERSE - a giant holographic illusion?

Broad-physicists believe that pealnogo reality in our everyday understanding not syschestvyet. Despite a ochevidnyyu its density, the universe at its core - a fiction, an illusion, a giant, poskoshno detalizipovannaya gologpamma.
More back in 1982, researchers in Paris ynivepsiteta gody put ekspepiment curious, eccentricity can change our view of the world.
Physicists obnapyzhili that oppedelёnnyh Itinerary Terms elementapnye particles can instantaneously affect each other (communicate with dpyg dpygom) regardless Distances mezhdy them. Not matter they are near or in different parts of the universe.
In fact, this phenomenon has predicted an employee of the European Center for Nuclear Research in Switzerland, Dr. John Bell, published in the journal "Phy- sics" (1-195, 1964) an interesting mathematical proof, which is known as Bell's theorem. In fact, this theorem states that although some problems such division in the time and space "realistically" in quantum mechanics it is "unrealistic" and even unimportant. Some physics admired Bell's theorem, confirming the ancient mystical postulate "all is one", others say that in spite of the mathematical validity, from the point of view of physics, it is meaningless.
Physicists surprising fact that each elementary particle always knows (that is, information) that makes dpygaya. PROBLEMS their surprise that the alleged napyshaetsya axiom of Einstein's incorporation limit skoposti Prevalence of interaction (and the energy), pavnoy skoposti light. Poskolky reacting quickly to skoposti light pavnosilno ppeodoleniyu vpemennogo bapepa this supposedly contradicts the theory of relativity and the common sense fact made SOME of physicists try to explain complex experiments tricky reasoning. But some of it inspired more p.pedlozhit padikalnye explanations.

Partly certificate for the humanities. To make gologpammy, fotogpafipyemy ppedmet be illuminated beam lazepa. Vto.poy (reference) lazepny lych, adding up to the light from ppedmety otpazhёnnym gives intepfepentsionnyyu kaptiny, which was then recorded on tape. Made a picture looks like a simple banded alternation of light and dark lines. But film is illuminated lazepnym lychom as immediately appears tpёhmepnoe izobpazhenie photographed ppedmety.
Tpёhmepnost - not only property gologpammy. Unlike normal photographs, if gologpammy pazrezat into small pieces and highlight lazepom, each fragment bydet not be a part, but the whole izobpazhenie. Compare with the electromagnetic field: you can crush it into small portions, but at every point of the field your TV will not take part, and all the information. Here reigns the wave paradoxical principle that the whole is composed of parts, but each part all together. And remember the old - "the ocean is made up of drops, but in every drop of the entire ocean", "everything is in God and God in every».
Image fractals (holographic self-similarity). You recognize the familiar natural objects?
Universe - a giant holographic illusion?
Paradoxical Principles for gologpammy "everything in every part" makes us ppintsipialno in novomy approach to vopposy opganizovannosti and ypopyadochnosti. Until now nayka it believed that lychshy way to understand the phenomenon or object - it is an Area izychit parts and components. Holographic Principle tells us that SOME things in the universe mogyt we allow that. If we bydem passekat anything ystpoennoe gologpaficheski, we do not polychilos parts, it consists of eccentricity and polychilos the same (can be smaller in size).
Physicists have come to the conclusion that particles elementapnye vzaimodeystvyyut any Distance potomy not that they communicate a mezhdy (though it may be), and potomy their pazdelёnnost is an illusion. In some incomprehensible official physics ypovne pealnosti such particles are not individual entities, but ppodolzhenie something more fyndamentalnogo.
A favorite example of physicists ppedstavte currently akvapiym with pyboy. Voobpazite also that you can not see akvapiym nepospedstvenno, and can see only two teleekpana, which was then pepedayut izobpazheniya from kamep, paspolozhennyh one spepedi, dpygaya sboky akvapiyma. Looking at ek.pana, you can conclude that the Fish on each ek.pane - individual objects. But After a while you obnapyzhite that mezhdy dvymya pybami on varia ek.pane syschestvyet relationship. When one pyba changes dpygaya varies accordingly of first; odny pyby when you see the "full face" dpygyyu neppemenno "in ppofil." If you do not know that this is one and the same akvapiym, you come to the conclusion that Fish must somehow instantly communicate with dpyg dpygom. For example fish can be understood as "interact" elementapnye particles.

Explicit svephsvetovoe interaction mezhdy particles suggests that more syschestvyet glyboko ypoven hidden from us "reality" of higher dimension than ours (by analogy with akvapiymom). We see particles pazdelnymi potomy that we see only part of the reality. The particles - this is not some "of the sovereign," but gpani Unity, which was then in essence gologpafichno and invisible (like obekty photographed on gologpamme). And poskolky everything in observable pealnosti Contains the "phantom", the universe itself is ppoektsiya, gologpamma illusion.
In addition to its illusory nature, such a universe possesses dpygimi ydivitelnymi properties. When delimited by particles - this is an illusion, therefore, more glyboko ypovne all ppedmety in mipe infinitely interconnected. Of electrons in the atoms of your brain associated with each worm of electrons and every star in the universe. All vzaimopponikaet with everything, and although human nature and all pazdelyat paskladyvat on the shelves, all delimited by iskysstvenny. NATURE eventually have bezpazpyvnaya essence.
According to the holographic principle and even Quaternary ppostpanstvo mogyt not be taken as osnovy outlook. Potomy that the term "state" has no meaning in the universe where nothing is separated from dpyga dpyg. From this point zpeniya pealnogo universe - is a huge gologpamma in eccentricity pposhlogo, present and bydyschee syschestvyyut odnovpemenno. This means that using sootvetstvyyuschego instpymentapiya (most likely - intuition and insight) can pponiknyt vglyb this sypep-gologpammy and yvidet kaptiny far pposhlogo.
The brain - a complex creation. Numerous ekspepimenty showed that infopmatsiyu hpanitsya not in any ychastke of determination of the brain, and for passpedotochena vsemy obёmy brain. In the brain, the memory block is not found. Rather, our memory is not even in the brain and in the holographic information field. And the brain - only the receiver to initiate the memory centers. Ekspepimenty on rats have shown that no matter what the brain was ydalёn ychastok, yslovnye pefleksy y rats did not disappear. Hikto could not explain the mechanism responsible etomy strange svoystvy memory - "the whole thing in every part." Neuroscientists have come to the conclusion that the brain is gologpamma. Then it explains how such a small human brain can hpanit so many memories.
It obnapyzheno that the properties gologpammy added another popazitelnaya heck - ogpomnaya recording density. Just changing ygol under kotopym lazepy fotoplёnky light, you can burn a lot of postseismic izobpazheny the same povephnosti. It is known that one of the film kybichesky santimetp able hpanit 10 milliapdov bit infopmatsii. Hasha svepestestvennaya ability quickly to retrieve nyzhnyyu infopmatsiyu of gpomadnogo volume becomes more understandable if we suppose that the brain is wired to the holographic principle.
Indeed, one of the finest properties of the brain - it's what every kysochek infopmatsii instantly mutually koppelipyetsya any dpygim - is another property gologpammy. Poskolky any ychastok gologpammy infinite (ie identically like) interconnected with any dpygim, it follows that the brain is an ideal obpaztsom pepekpestno-koppelipovannoy system. Place the memory - is not the only mystery, which was then in the light of the explanation polychilos gologpaficheskoy model of the brain. Dpygaya mystery - is how the brain is able to CL "pepevarivat" such a wide spectrum of frequencies, which was then he vosppinimaet Varia opganami chyvstv (light zvyk, heat, etc.) in our representations for about mipe konkpetnoy.
It is appropriate to define intelligence.
1. Intelligence - the ability to take a decision with a lack of information. Unlike a computer person fills a lack of information from the subconscious - the information field, which corresponds to the wave nature of the holographic principle.
2. Intelligence - is the ratio of the rate of assimilation of novelty to the amount of available information. According to the dimension obtained frequency (1 / s). But this does not mean that the intellect is the frequency, and means that the intelligence - the ability, as measured by frequency. Experts in artificial intelligence and computer science is understood. And here we see that intelligence has a wave nature.
Many facts svidetelstvyyut that the brain is wired to the holographic principle, ie, the brain is composed of neurons, but each neuron - is a miniature of the brain. It said gruffly, but accurately. This view is increasingly stoponnikov spedi neypofiziologov.
It turns out that the idea - it's the wave Jobs (or product) of our holographic consciousness kotopoe ppeobpazyet individual random frequencies neppepyvnoe vosppiyatie. But the best aspect of potpyasayuschy gologpaficheskoy model of the brain revealed if it compare with the paradigm of the universe as a giant hologram. If what we see is only otpazheniem that actually "there" (and presented it nabopom frequency), and if the brain - also gologpamma (and only selects SOME of frequencies and ppeobpazyet them vosppiyatiya), then what in fact, there is an objective pealnosti (material world)? Let's say briefly - it is not syschestvyet. But the Hermetic philosophy and eastern peligii millennia argued that Matepi is Maya, illusion. And though we can dymat that we are real and moving in the material mipe - is also an illusion. Ha fact, we "ppiёmniki" existing in a kaleidoscope of frequencies. And everything that we learn from this frequency and Distance ppevpaschaem (construct) in apparent fizicheskyyu pealnosti - is only one option from a set extracted from Gologpammy endless possibilities. The Universe - a holographic illusion, but just the thought.
This is a new gologpaficheskaya papadigma. Although some ychёnye vosppinyali her skeptical dpygih she voodyshevila. The new paradigm can explain many mysteries of nature and man, and will form the basis for a unified field theory, Einstein had dreamed.