"Our men do not take women to their husbands, and education ..."
Marriage statistics in recent times looks like a social disaster: the divorce rate is almost equal to the number of psychologists brakov.Po opinion, this is mainly because many people marry for a variety of ridiculous reasons, but one of the true - to build a family. The well-known psychotherapist and author of numerous books Mikhail Litvak told that someone will be able to create a happy family, and someone will have to fill up divorce statistics.
Website gladly publish this short interview, Mikhail Yefimovich.
In an interview you said that happy families there ...
There is. But few. I myself investigated the family. On the 11 th. Family found 3 happy. But most importantly - only happy families - normal. The rest - it's pathology, the cohabitation of two unhappy people.
This is a Russian feature?
Why? In varying degrees, the pathology is everywhere.
Why are so many divorces? People make mistakes in choosing a husband?
This is because people are poorly educated. They are not taught to think, do not learn to choose a husband or wife. We conducted a poll - which of declarations of love like it more. Such options were proposed: "I live without you I can not," "I'll never hurt you," "Come join the drudge of life." So, 75% of women chose the explanation, "I live without you I can not." I did not hear that this explanation is typical of male child or an alcoholic? But a true declaration of love "Come together drudge of life" nobody liked.
What is such a thing - the love?
This is an active interest in the life and development of the object of love. That's all they say no one to love. And whether you are able to love? Our marriages are in essence - a sucker, "I live without you I can not».
What happens to love over time, where does it go?
Over time, love becomes stronger and stronger ... And if it was not originally, it becomes worse and worse.
What is the difference in perception of the marriage of a man and a woman?
A man and a woman seeing a marriage equally. But where you see men and women have you ever seen? We have bryukonositeli and yubkonositelnitsy. So, first you need to be either male or female, and then build a family. On the family has the right to just physically healthy, spiritually developed people and material held. Do not do business with the poor laymen.
If the relationship began with sex, what kind of future awaits them?
Intimacy should happen then. A beginning should be the general outlook. Love - not when looking at each other, and when they look in the same direction. Canadian researchers have identified four factors that make a family strong. The first - the general outlook. The second - the general gastronomic tastes. It was only in third place intimate relationship. In the fourth, by the way - the desire to stroke each other. And when the family is created through the bed - nothing good about it.
Men often compare themselves with male and argue that mandatory betrayal ...
Cheating arise from the fact that people make a mistake in the selection of the satellite. If you made a mistake and married (married) on the wrong (not the fact), naturally, begins to like somebody else.
What women do not change?
Physical health, spiritual development and self-sufficiency. Our women have three sexual disorders: pedophilia, bestiality, masochism. Firstly, they do not take a man as a husband, and education. Secondly, living with alcoholics. What is an alcoholic? This animal. And thirdly - suffer from masochism: like being bullied over them.
If a woman is physically healthy, financially independent, but no longer young? Less Does it have prospects?
She has more prospects! This woman in the juice. She has already taken place. She did not need a side dish, she wanted a steak.
How to initial appointments, and conduct reconnaissance to determine "your" is a person or not?
On communication by gestures, the manner of dress. Socrates said: "Tell me something, I want to see you." After a few sentences, you can determine who is in front of you and you match up in outlook.
If there is any discrepancy, whether a woman or a man to adjust to re-try it?
No. We must take the finished products and not semi-finished product. Marry should mature people. A re only one person - himself. Wrong - then it is necessary to disperse. And look for another.
Where should I look for?
Only at work. When we observe a person at work - see how it took place. Here we are now working together with you and you can make me an opinion ... And on the fireside or in nightclubs - a collection of liars.
Edit whether the needs of women in recent years?
It has not changed in the last hundred thousand years.
What about the fact that now the girls want to get married just for the status of men?
And rightly so. So mature. But it must be the most and the status. We have, unfortunately, the majority of women prostitutes latent psychology: to find a rich man to feed. And for this they plan to farm and given in bed. Things should be called by their proper names: is prostitution. However, many men now, and who can be called latent Alfonso, looking for rich women, and do not want to evolve.
But there is a theory that a woman should only inspire a man to create his comfortable staying in his shadow ...
You are confusing a man with bryukonositelem. A man does not need to be inspired. He is inspired by his work and its results. You can not live for women or for men.
And for the kids?
Especially not ... kids - it is something ephemeral. Children, no matter what, good or bad, it is still in the 18-20 years of you leave. A man and a woman closer to each other, and children - is something temporary. A by-product of our love.
As a result of divorce, women are left with this "product of love," and the men say they do not want to take the married woman with a child ...
For men (not bryukonositelya) the child from his first marriage is not a problem. Why? Because he is ready to do everything for the child, if only favorite was next. But when the woman said that the child - the most important thing in life, it will never be happy in marriage.
It is believed that the institution of marriage is dying, that the future of alternative types of cohabitation. How do you feel about the guest form?
Guest marriage is not so bad. Sometimes, people live a civil marriage - is normal. And just registered - are living badly.
What is the reason for these changes?
The fact that people want to be free. Formal marriage of his fetters. Printing in the passport does not change anything for the intelligent man. And for a fool - changes.
via uduba.com/2040549/3-seksualnyih-rasstroystva-jenschin

Website gladly publish this short interview, Mikhail Yefimovich.
In an interview you said that happy families there ...
There is. But few. I myself investigated the family. On the 11 th. Family found 3 happy. But most importantly - only happy families - normal. The rest - it's pathology, the cohabitation of two unhappy people.
This is a Russian feature?
Why? In varying degrees, the pathology is everywhere.
Why are so many divorces? People make mistakes in choosing a husband?
This is because people are poorly educated. They are not taught to think, do not learn to choose a husband or wife. We conducted a poll - which of declarations of love like it more. Such options were proposed: "I live without you I can not," "I'll never hurt you," "Come join the drudge of life." So, 75% of women chose the explanation, "I live without you I can not." I did not hear that this explanation is typical of male child or an alcoholic? But a true declaration of love "Come together drudge of life" nobody liked.
What is such a thing - the love?
This is an active interest in the life and development of the object of love. That's all they say no one to love. And whether you are able to love? Our marriages are in essence - a sucker, "I live without you I can not».
What happens to love over time, where does it go?
Over time, love becomes stronger and stronger ... And if it was not originally, it becomes worse and worse.
What is the difference in perception of the marriage of a man and a woman?
A man and a woman seeing a marriage equally. But where you see men and women have you ever seen? We have bryukonositeli and yubkonositelnitsy. So, first you need to be either male or female, and then build a family. On the family has the right to just physically healthy, spiritually developed people and material held. Do not do business with the poor laymen.
If the relationship began with sex, what kind of future awaits them?
Intimacy should happen then. A beginning should be the general outlook. Love - not when looking at each other, and when they look in the same direction. Canadian researchers have identified four factors that make a family strong. The first - the general outlook. The second - the general gastronomic tastes. It was only in third place intimate relationship. In the fourth, by the way - the desire to stroke each other. And when the family is created through the bed - nothing good about it.
Men often compare themselves with male and argue that mandatory betrayal ...
Cheating arise from the fact that people make a mistake in the selection of the satellite. If you made a mistake and married (married) on the wrong (not the fact), naturally, begins to like somebody else.
What women do not change?
Physical health, spiritual development and self-sufficiency. Our women have three sexual disorders: pedophilia, bestiality, masochism. Firstly, they do not take a man as a husband, and education. Secondly, living with alcoholics. What is an alcoholic? This animal. And thirdly - suffer from masochism: like being bullied over them.
If a woman is physically healthy, financially independent, but no longer young? Less Does it have prospects?
She has more prospects! This woman in the juice. She has already taken place. She did not need a side dish, she wanted a steak.
How to initial appointments, and conduct reconnaissance to determine "your" is a person or not?
On communication by gestures, the manner of dress. Socrates said: "Tell me something, I want to see you." After a few sentences, you can determine who is in front of you and you match up in outlook.
If there is any discrepancy, whether a woman or a man to adjust to re-try it?
No. We must take the finished products and not semi-finished product. Marry should mature people. A re only one person - himself. Wrong - then it is necessary to disperse. And look for another.
Where should I look for?
Only at work. When we observe a person at work - see how it took place. Here we are now working together with you and you can make me an opinion ... And on the fireside or in nightclubs - a collection of liars.
Edit whether the needs of women in recent years?
It has not changed in the last hundred thousand years.
What about the fact that now the girls want to get married just for the status of men?
And rightly so. So mature. But it must be the most and the status. We have, unfortunately, the majority of women prostitutes latent psychology: to find a rich man to feed. And for this they plan to farm and given in bed. Things should be called by their proper names: is prostitution. However, many men now, and who can be called latent Alfonso, looking for rich women, and do not want to evolve.
But there is a theory that a woman should only inspire a man to create his comfortable staying in his shadow ...
You are confusing a man with bryukonositelem. A man does not need to be inspired. He is inspired by his work and its results. You can not live for women or for men.
And for the kids?
Especially not ... kids - it is something ephemeral. Children, no matter what, good or bad, it is still in the 18-20 years of you leave. A man and a woman closer to each other, and children - is something temporary. A by-product of our love.
As a result of divorce, women are left with this "product of love," and the men say they do not want to take the married woman with a child ...
For men (not bryukonositelya) the child from his first marriage is not a problem. Why? Because he is ready to do everything for the child, if only favorite was next. But when the woman said that the child - the most important thing in life, it will never be happy in marriage.
It is believed that the institution of marriage is dying, that the future of alternative types of cohabitation. How do you feel about the guest form?
Guest marriage is not so bad. Sometimes, people live a civil marriage - is normal. And just registered - are living badly.
What is the reason for these changes?
The fact that people want to be free. Formal marriage of his fetters. Printing in the passport does not change anything for the intelligent man. And for a fool - changes.
via uduba.com/2040549/3-seksualnyih-rasstroystva-jenschin