40 facts about the life that I realized only by 40 years
Famous Life-coachers and business coach Andrea Reiser recently celebrated its fortieth birthday. She says that in the last decade of his life has learned more than in the previous thirty years. < Website Andrea publishes a list of forty-odd facts for anyone who is no forty. So ...
This is normal - not a damn thing understood in the art. Do not be afraid to admit it. Do not waste your time worrying and moaning about things that are beyond your control. Just let go. All that you see depends on how you look at it. Stop comparing your life with the lives of others! Immediately! Listen to those who deserve it. Really listen! This is one of the most useful tips that I can give you. It's awesome - bring together old friends, who have long not see each other. This is one of the coolest things in life. Morning rarely good if before this was a good night. If you go to the supermarket with a dirty head and no makeup - do not worry! Experience memorable things - no. Confidence - it is very beautiful. Laugh! It's worth it. While some people will continue to surprise you with the depth of their stupidity and greed, while others will show you the new vertices on the part of kindness and compassion. Continue to believe in people! Do not waste your life on the expectations, hopes and dreams. If you're constantly expecting that someone will give you joy, you will never learn to be happy alone. Insults are not worth. You will never regret in vain lived through the day if you can for someone to please. «Thank you" and "please" - words that are always appreciated and always appropriate. to tell a small but noisy voice in your head that prevents you to concentrate, to shut up. It works! Food in the office does not matter. Meeting table and also do not matter. What matters is the company itself. Being a super busy - it does not mean to be honest, relevant, popular or successful. In fact, to be healthy is better than being busy. Despite all of your guesses, you do not have a clue about what is going on behind the doors of other lyudih. Almost all of our bad deeds and bitter disappointments occur because of jealousy. If something makes you happy, it does not mean that it can do the same the other person. Do not always in your troubles someone to blame. Most look in the mirror. You may not agree with someone's opinion or judgment, but it does not mean that these people are wrong. Never argue on themes of politics, religion and love. Friendship changes over time. Sometimes it ends. And this is normal. Sunscreen - your best friend in the summer. Stop poeticize and romanticize the past. Stop fantasizing about how it will be good in the future. Experience the taste of life right now. Make every day and every moment mattered. Revise the old photos. It soothes the soul. Sometimes you have to do something just because it is right. It is uncomfortable. The most common is uncomfortable. But it is almost always worth it. Do not restrain yourself during disputes. Sometimes tough talk - much better than unspoken resentment and misunderstanding. Some events simply should not happen. The sooner you realize this and give up false expectations, the better. If someone can not find a solution to your problem, but it seems obvious to you, it's likely that he had already tried to solve it this way, but it has not worked. A good night's sleep - it is a gift of God that can change everything. People are going to spend your time if you are important to them. If not, then you overestimate its importance. Sometimes you need to take on challenges. In the name of love, peace and harmony. Do not let yourself get angry at other people. Show more compassion. Stop worrying about what is not relevant to the case now. Stop wasting energy on independent of your things. Accept and enjoy all the changes in his life. Be polite and sincere smile - are completely different things. Silence - the best way to recovery and healing. Take up one thing at a time. Break up large-scale problems into smaller manageable case. All out. Life - is what happens while you wait for the next big feat or break. You must learn to feel the taste of each day. If you podnazhmete and focus on what you do well, then everything will be much better. Everything that happens has a reason. Sometimes it is not immediately evident, but it definitely is. Do not set ambitious goals. It is better to focus on the best for your lifestyle. Keep your eyes and mind open. Have the courage to take risks. Use every opportunity. Because they can never appear before you again. And try to be happy, no matter what. A man born for happiness, like a bird - to fly!
via www.huffingtonpost.com/andrea-reiser/47-things-ive-learned-in-my-40s_b_7300630.html

This is normal - not a damn thing understood in the art. Do not be afraid to admit it. Do not waste your time worrying and moaning about things that are beyond your control. Just let go. All that you see depends on how you look at it. Stop comparing your life with the lives of others! Immediately! Listen to those who deserve it. Really listen! This is one of the most useful tips that I can give you. It's awesome - bring together old friends, who have long not see each other. This is one of the coolest things in life. Morning rarely good if before this was a good night. If you go to the supermarket with a dirty head and no makeup - do not worry! Experience memorable things - no. Confidence - it is very beautiful. Laugh! It's worth it. While some people will continue to surprise you with the depth of their stupidity and greed, while others will show you the new vertices on the part of kindness and compassion. Continue to believe in people! Do not waste your life on the expectations, hopes and dreams. If you're constantly expecting that someone will give you joy, you will never learn to be happy alone. Insults are not worth. You will never regret in vain lived through the day if you can for someone to please. «Thank you" and "please" - words that are always appreciated and always appropriate. to tell a small but noisy voice in your head that prevents you to concentrate, to shut up. It works! Food in the office does not matter. Meeting table and also do not matter. What matters is the company itself. Being a super busy - it does not mean to be honest, relevant, popular or successful. In fact, to be healthy is better than being busy. Despite all of your guesses, you do not have a clue about what is going on behind the doors of other lyudih. Almost all of our bad deeds and bitter disappointments occur because of jealousy. If something makes you happy, it does not mean that it can do the same the other person. Do not always in your troubles someone to blame. Most look in the mirror. You may not agree with someone's opinion or judgment, but it does not mean that these people are wrong. Never argue on themes of politics, religion and love. Friendship changes over time. Sometimes it ends. And this is normal. Sunscreen - your best friend in the summer. Stop poeticize and romanticize the past. Stop fantasizing about how it will be good in the future. Experience the taste of life right now. Make every day and every moment mattered. Revise the old photos. It soothes the soul. Sometimes you have to do something just because it is right. It is uncomfortable. The most common is uncomfortable. But it is almost always worth it. Do not restrain yourself during disputes. Sometimes tough talk - much better than unspoken resentment and misunderstanding. Some events simply should not happen. The sooner you realize this and give up false expectations, the better. If someone can not find a solution to your problem, but it seems obvious to you, it's likely that he had already tried to solve it this way, but it has not worked. A good night's sleep - it is a gift of God that can change everything. People are going to spend your time if you are important to them. If not, then you overestimate its importance. Sometimes you need to take on challenges. In the name of love, peace and harmony. Do not let yourself get angry at other people. Show more compassion. Stop worrying about what is not relevant to the case now. Stop wasting energy on independent of your things. Accept and enjoy all the changes in his life. Be polite and sincere smile - are completely different things. Silence - the best way to recovery and healing. Take up one thing at a time. Break up large-scale problems into smaller manageable case. All out. Life - is what happens while you wait for the next big feat or break. You must learn to feel the taste of each day. If you podnazhmete and focus on what you do well, then everything will be much better. Everything that happens has a reason. Sometimes it is not immediately evident, but it definitely is. Do not set ambitious goals. It is better to focus on the best for your lifestyle. Keep your eyes and mind open. Have the courage to take risks. Use every opportunity. Because they can never appear before you again. And try to be happy, no matter what. A man born for happiness, like a bird - to fly!
via www.huffingtonpost.com/andrea-reiser/47-things-ive-learned-in-my-40s_b_7300630.html
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Chinese is considered to be dead 10 years lived in an internet cafe, playing online game