5 proven recipes for the home eye cream.
Recipe N1. Virgin olive oil and vitamins skincare Eye in olive oil add vitamins A and E in the oil. Apply a small amount in a circular motion, remove the excess tissue minutes through 10.
Recipe N2. Natural soothing eye cream of butter and castor oil with decoction: take 25 grams. butter, add 10 ml of an aqueous infusion of chamomile and linden blossom and 5 ml of castor oil all carefully grind. Apply on wet skin in the morning and in the evening - a little driving in the wet (soaked in water infusion of chamomile and linden blossom) with a cotton swab. The cream is kept in the refrigerator.
Recipe N3. Aevitum, wheat germ oil for skin care age at home: at night Aevitum applied to the skin around the eyes. Alternate with wheat germ oil. Do 1 time per week. Very good on the skin around the eyes applied rosehip oil or camphor.
Recipe N4. Home camphor cream for the skin around the eyes: take 50 ml in a water bath melted unsalted fat (swine interior) and 50 ml of camphor oil, mix and pour into a jar. Twice a week, lubricate the skin with this cream before going to bed.
Recipe N5. Homemade eye cream based on vitamin and castor oil: it keeps the fat and water balance of the skin, its elasticity, improves blood circulation. Provides smoothing and revitalizing effects. Recipe mask: Mix 50g. castor oil and 10 g. vitamin E (in oil). They are sold in a pharmacy. In the summer, castor oil can be replaced with olive or corn. Apply on the eyelids and under the eyes of the night, remove excess cosmetic tissue. Can be used on a daily basis.
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Feijoa mixture with honey - an excellent source of iodine.