18 charts about what it is - to be an introvert
Introverts - special people. In the evenings and on weekends they prefer to stay at home alone, and not to sit in a noisy bar or in the stadium rooting for your favorite football team in the crowd of fans. Because of this, many of them reclusive reputation. But this is not so.
Anna Borges (Anna Borges) drew excellent charts the life of introverts who helped us in the Website to better understand many of his friends.
via www.buzzfeed.com/annaborges/brb-im-introverting#.do2yxoDBDp
Anna Borges (Anna Borges) drew excellent charts the life of introverts who helped us in the Website to better understand many of his friends.
via www.buzzfeed.com/annaborges/brb-im-introverting#.do2yxoDBDp