10 comics that tell you what it is - to be an introvert

creator of the comic book about an introvert named Marzi itself is a bright representative of this psycho. The goal of her work - to show other people that any atypical for most behavior is perfectly reasonable explanation
Website could not ignore the positive work of the artist, and offers through them a little better acquainted with the inner. the world of our sensitive fellow.
They do not secretive, but simply do not know what to say, although it is usually in their head a thousand thoughts.

This also explains the failure to call the service and to meet the staff.

They do not Zaznayka and quite objectively evaluate themselves.

And sometimes too self-critical because of its sensitivity.

Even being alone, they do not feel lonely.

therefore an ideal option for their vacation is different from conventional ideas.

But out of the comfort zone, without exaggeration, is akin to suicide.

and crowded parties did not amuse them. Really. ABSOLUTELY.

If they do come with someone, it is imperative that this man did not throw them.

Well, the main thing that should be remembered - this is a very sensitive and friendly people. Let introverts be what they are.

IntrovertDoodles Source, Instagram
Translation Website
Photos on the preview IntrovertDoodles
See also:
18 charts about what it is - to be an introvert
15 things you never say
introverts 15 effervescent postcards of typical problems introverts
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/15-iskrometnyh-otkrytok-o-tipichnyh-problemah-introvertov-1229760/