Pure blood safest way.
1. Lemon mead cleanses the whole body: blood, lymph, gastrointestinal tract and skin. Immunity increases much better than any Echinacea.
The recipe: in a glass of mineral water (you can take a simple little heated), a spoon of honey and juice of 1 lemon. For prevention it is necessary to drink one times a day, in the morning. If you want thorough cleanse, then you can drink a liter a day, but not for long.
2. One of the most powerful herbal cleaners blood Galium verum. It helps, even with advanced forms abrasions, although the disease is difficult to treat. When acne even more.
Recipe: 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons herb insist 1-2 hours necessary to complete a liter of boiling water, drink 3-5 times a day before meals.
3. burdock roots in the form of infusion so as to make mainly because of skin rashes. Yet it is a good anti-cancer herb, and to prevent cancer it is used around the world. Particularly useful are the roots of burdock collected in May - in which the maximum amount of nutrients. The pharmacy can also run into the grass and collected more than a year ago, had time to lose part of the useful properties.
Recipe: 3 tbsp. spoon roots brew 2 cups boiling water and drink 3-4 times a day before meals, you can with honey.
4. The roots and leaves of nettle, in which more than one hundred nutrients, women should drink at the waning moon 2 weeks. No more - nettle increases blood clotting. The rule with the waning moon and try to comply with other cleaning procedures, even cosmetology - then the result will be much better.
Recipe: 4 tbsp. spoon nettle pour 2 cups boiling water, start drinking as soon cooled off - 3-4 times a day.
5. If in our country made on any occasion to drink nettle, in Europe and the US is the most popular cleansing herb - dandelion. In all skin diseases for their tea from dandelion roots almost a panacea. Find a beautiful and clean skin dandelion promises a month of reception. Particular attention to this recipe I want to draw people suffering from eczema and acne!
The recipe: 1 tbsp. spoon crushed roots of sugar and 1 cup hot water, boil for 15 minutes, strain and drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 15 minutes before eating. You can brew as in previous recipes.
6. Grass verbena drug in the form of infusion is taken orally as a blood-purifying agent for rashes, acne and boils. In some countries, verbena drunk as a tea, but I do not remember what exactly her kind of.
Recipe: Flask of 1 tbsp. spoon herb insist hour in a glass of boiled water and take 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of infusion 3-5 times a day before meals.
7. Cross the grass with a beautiful bird called meadowsweet also cleanses the blood. In contrast to the nettle, it is the blood, on the contrary, dilutes, bringing all the accumulated hazards. Information for people who suffer from migraines: a cup of meadowsweet infusion for a half - hour way to get rid of headaches.
Recipe: say what is right meadowsweet brew in cold water for 1 hour. L. root to 1 cup, leave for a day, and then take 15 minutes before eating.
8. To cleanse the blood of the cranberry important, because it affects the kidney - the main filter of the human body, through which passes a day to two hundred liters of blood.
Recipe: cranberry juice every family do differently, but usually pour a glass of crushed cranberries liter of hot water, sugar to taste.
9. A wonderful collection can be done if you take equal parts echinacea, burdock root, peppermint, nettles and clover. Not only cleans the blood, but also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, raises immunity and improves the complexion.
Recipe: brew 1 spoon collection cup boiling water and drink 3 times a day before meals per month.
10. taking in oil. This method is mainly directed clean and liver and blood.
Prescription: in the morning, typing in your mouth any oil and ... its about 10-15 minutes, in any case, without swallowing, and then do not forget to brush your teeth.