By its healing properties this drink has no equal.
It strengthens the capillaries, helps to reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol, has an antibacterial effect, a positive effect on the functional state of the liver and pancreas, has antiallergic activity has a protective effect against the toxic effect of good.
The drink is recommended for people of all ages, because it quenches thirst, regulates appetite and improves digestion. It is noticed that the beverage in the cold lowers and raises the pressure in the hot.
The main "actors" in its composition - fruit acids, essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, including vitamin C contained in the hibiscus quercetin improves vision, reduces eye fatigue, helps cleanse the body, bringing the waste products of metabolism. Hibiscus helps in the production of bile, improves the protection of the liver from adverse effects, improves metabolism.
Hibiscus threw a pinch into a saucepan and boil? And the taste and aroma of ruin! Hibiscus can not be subjected to prolonged boiling, and it is better not boil at all.
If the target is extremely gastronomic - boil, but for the sake of healing properties is better to limit brewing. In order to get richer drink, take plenty of "welding" and longer insist it under the lid closed (10-15 minutes). Standard number - 1 hour. L. Hibiscus 1 st. water. If the tap water, then after tea boiled, wait a little bit, and then zaley flowers almost boiling water.
Dishes for Hibiscus better use of glass, porcelain or ceramic, but in any case not the metal - a drink and lose flavor and color. Remember that properly brewed beverage will always be a pure color, red, with a bright ruby color.
Drinking hibiscus tea can be in every one. On a rainy cloudy day - hot and with sugar. But in the heat of summer it is good to drink with ice as a cocktail, leaving a slice of lemon and sipping through a straw.