What is useful tea karcade

From the warm and pleasant weather outside the window became cold, wet and even a little nasty. Therefore, in those rare moments when you do not need to run anywhere, you want to sit in the warmth of the house, read a good book, listen to the sound of rain outside the window and drink something hot.

And today we will talk about a wonderful drink with Indian roots - karkade tea, which will not only warm in the cold season, but also lift the mood in the dull autumn. However, its benefits are not limited to this.


What is useful is Karkade Karkade tea - bright red or burgundy tea from the flowers of the Sudanese rose. The drink is proudly called the “potion of the Pharaohs” (it is said that Cleopatra adored it), and the flower itself is called Venetian malva. Our plant is called hibiscus. From its dried flowers and brew the famous tea.


And not everyone knows. How to make karcade tea Right. The fact is that flowers cannot be boiled, they can only be poured with boiling water. And the brews should be put more if you want to get the most benefit - 100 ml of boiling water at least 1 tsp.

Do not forget that in a metal cup, the frame loses not only the taste and color, but also all the benefits. Therefore, choose glass, porcelain or ceramic dishes. And to feel the full benefits of the drink, insist it in a cup for at least 15 minutes.

DepositPhotos Useful properties of carcade
  1. Anthocyanins contained in hibiscus petals help strengthen blood vessels.
  2. Strong tea has a beneficial effect on the work of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Useful vitamins and trace elements help to strengthen the body and increase immunity.


  4. Having a mild laxative effect, tea helps to establish the normal functioning of the digestive system.
  5. It quenches thirst both hot and cold, so it is very popular in the Middle East.


Curiously, it's hot karcade tea increases pressureIt's cold, it lowers. Therefore, for hypertensive patients, it will be a real find.

However, not everyone can drink karkada. People with gastritis and stomach ulcers do not recommend drinking tea. But for those who do not have contraindications, tea is highly recommended. The huge benefit of a drink saturated with vitamins C, P, group B, amino acids and a number of necessary trace elements is guaranteed.

If we are talking about saving from the damp autumn weather, then get acquainted with 10 hot soft drinks that are worth trying this fall. They seem to warm even in the soul.

And if you do not want to sit at home, then look at the interesting options for autumn crafts that will please not only children, but also adults. Great ideas for an active autumn holiday!

What's your favorite autumn drink? Tell me in the comments.


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