8 plants, which saves you from coughing.

In the season of SARS cough becomes one of the most common complications after suffering colds. Today medicine offers a huge variety of drugs to treat cough - both wet and dry.
It is noteworthy that the majority of medicines to combat unpleasant symptoms is made on the basis of medicinal herbs. Having them on hand, you can do without going to the pharmacy and to cope with a cough at home.
There are several popular cough plants. Herbs and flowers contain a lot of useful substances with antimicrobial, thinning, a tonic effect. If the cough is dry, apply a plant containing a large number of essential oils and tannins. When wet cough to help grass, rich in polysaccharides, which neutralize and soften sputum, gently help her to go along with toxins and diseases.
Take note 8 home recipes, their effectiveness in the fight against cough confirmed and national experience and official medicine.
kashlyaMyatny infusion of herbs and tea with mint leaves - a proven tool in lingering cough. Excellent anti-bronchitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sore throat.
Method: one table. a spoonful of dried leaves, pour a glass (250 ml) of boiling water, infuse, covered, for an hour. Adding a third cup in regular tea or drink the infusion, diluted 1: 1 with boiled water 3-5 times throughout the day.
Mother and stepmother
A decoction of the leaves gives the expectorant effect, relieves spasms and pain in the throat.
Preparation: 30 g of dry raw materials to brew 250 ml of boiling water, put in a water bath, heated for 30 minutes, cool to warm, drain. Drink decoction of leaves mother and stepmother should be 3 times a day on a tablespoon at a reception.
Thyme tea is very useful - it soothes sore throat, contributes to the rapid discharge of phlegm, destroy microbes.
Preparation: a pinch of dried thyme pour 250 ml (cup) of hot (not boiling!) Water. Insist 20 minutes, add a teaspoon of honey of oregano or lime blossom. Drink 5-7 cups per day.
Lime Blossom
Infusion of linden flowers familiar to all effective in dry cough, difficulty expectoration. Linden tea soothes mucous membranes, envelops larynx, eliminates bronchospasm contributes to the speedy formation of phlegm and its subsequent removal.
Preparation: in a glass of boiling water to take a tablespoon of dried or freshly picked flowers. Infuse from an hour to 45 minutes, then strain through several layers of gauze fabric. Drink just before meals for half a glass 3-4 times a day.
Ivy leaves, if they make and present great liquefy mucus and mokrotnye education. Also effective as antispasmodic, has antiviral properties and immunoukreplyayuschimi.
Preparation: 1 tsp raw material to a glass of boiling water, drain and add to the infusion of regular tea.
Pine needles, fir, cedar
In protracted bronchial cough is no better means than tea with pine needles. In severe cold has diaphoretic action. This tea improves expectoration, reduces inflammation, eases breathing, has antibacterial properties
Preparation: 2 table. l. needles placed in an enamel bowl, pour 500 ml of hot water, boil over medium heat for 20 minutes. Cool, strain and drink as often as possible throughout the day. Useful pine broth add honey, viburnum berries or raspberries.
Effective inhalation with essential oil of lavender, especially bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia.
Method of preparation: dissolve 2-4 drops of oil in a 1-1, 5 liters of hot water. Applied also Aroma inhalers (according to instructions).
Eucalyptus essential oil in the short term outputs phlegm, kills viruses and bacteria, strengthens immunity. It is used in inhalers.
Method: heat the water in a bowl, pour 3-5 drops of oil to breathe, covered with a towel. Either put the container with scented water in the sickroom.
Before using the listed plants, consult with a physician since the cause of cough may be other, more serious illness - in this case, the treatment will appoint an experienced doctor.

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