Safe natural cleanser:
1. A decoction of wheat bran. Such washing beneficial effect on the skin, especially dry and sore after working in the wind, heat or cold. In a slightly moistened palm pour a teaspoon of bran and massage lightly moistened with water face. When the skin turns pink, wash with warm water and pat face with a towel - the skin becomes soft, smooth and supple.
2. Beauticians are advised to wash in the morning and evening ground oatmeal. pour in the palm of a small handful, drop of water there was to paste on the face, and light massage cleanses the face, giving it dry, then wash off with water. If you are not lazy - the result will soon be noticeable.
3. Oatmeal and cream. The easiest way to care for the skin. In a blender or coffee grinder razmelchite 2 or 3 tablespoons of cereal and add enough heavy cream to a paste (if the skin is oily - use skim milk). Apply it on a clean, damp face, throat and chest, with light massage movements. Rinse with cool water.
4. You can wash milk with water, prepared from 1 liter of water and a quarter cup of milk.
5. The infusion of dried herbs - chamomile, plantain, mint. Tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, hold it under the lid for 10 minutes. The infusion add a tablespoon of potato starch. Face wipe received jelly and a few minutes rinse with water.