Love - the fragrance of meditation
You crave the love that is born out of meditation, but not one that is born out of the mind. It is this love I'm talking about.
Millions of couples around the world live as if they love each other. They live in the world "as if". But would they be happy? They are deprived of any power. They're trying to get something from the false love, but it can not give them anything. The result - disappointment, boredom, constant quarrels, war between lovers. They are trying to make something together the impossible: turn a love story into something eternal, but it is impossible. It emerged from the mind, and the mind is not capable of even a glimpse of the eternal.
Please sign in meditation, because love comes from meditation, it - the flavor of meditation. Meditation - a flower, thousand-petalled lotus. Let it unfold. Let it move you to the vertical dimension where there is no mind, where there is no time and there you suddenly feel the flavor. Then love is eternal, then it is not due. Then it is not directed to someone one, it can not be directed to someone individually.
Love - this is not the relationship, but rather the atmosphere around you. It has nothing to do with the other. You love, you are love; Only in this case, it is eternal. Love - this is your fragrance. This fragrance hovered around the Buddha, around a Zarathustra, around a Jesus. It is a completely different kind of love, love is qualitatively different.
At that moment, when you are ready to take risks for the sake of ...
Watch the happy people - they enjoy their lives as children.