At that moment, when you are ready to take risks for the sake of ...
At that moment, when you are ready to take risks for what is unseen, for what can not be measured, in order, that does not fit into any logic in order that does not fit in the mind - you're doing a quantum jump. The mind will call it madness. But this madness is the true reason. Such madness - the most precious manifestation of life.
Thanks to several people mankind still has not lost touch with God. Buddha - here Jesus - there Mahomet somewhere else ... only a few people come to know God, and only because of this several people all mankind remains in contact with him.
Whoever holds the shore, frightened expanses of ocean so that he is ready to deny its existence, said: "There is no ocean. It is a poetic fiction. All this - the imagination of mystics. There is no ocean. There is only one beach, and everything. " Such a person lives in his own little comfortable little world, but he is losing precious moments. He loses the opportunity to grow, to become mature, to go beyond death, to enter into being.