Method №1: Deep cleansing before going to bed, you need to thoroughly clean the skin from make-up - it comes every day, and not a special occasion. But if your task - to please yourself in the mirror in the morning to cleanse the need to approach much more seriously. We like to use this method for purifying double: to remove make-up oil or micellar water, then wash with a soft gel or foam, and more - to add to the usual means of electronic gadgets. For example, cleaning brush clean the skin several times more efficient than sponges or your own hands, gently massage the face, giving it a fresh new look and reducing swelling.
Method №2: Exfoliation Regarding this point Estheticians argue all the time: some say that the ideal time for exfoliation - this morning, while others insist on exfoliate the skin before bedtime. We are inclined to the second option, because, firstly, exfoliation allows maximum cleanse the skin of toxins and impurities and, secondly, triggers skin renewal. As a result, in the morning you look fresh and rested. Depending on the type and needs of the skin, choose a delicate mechanical scrub or low concentration of acid peels - and those and other means of work on "hurray".
Method №3: Do the Night Masks beauty of these relatively new products that they are able to restore, nourish and moisturize the skin during the night, they do not need to wash off and they do not stain the pillowcase. You just put a mask on the skin over the favorite serum and go to bed - in the morning from the mirror looks at you, if not new, the new man.
Method №4: Add the oil in your beauty routine, after cleansing and exfoliation pamper your skin with oil, causing it to face, and making it easy for massage - stroking and plucking. Contrary to popular belief, the oil is not only suitable for dry and dehydrated, but also for oily skin. It is important that it was the most natural and easy - then the result will please you for sure.
Method number 5: Local treatment If your skin is prone to rashes and flaking, can be enhanced point №3 means of local action - a drying antibacterial or reducing nutrient. Apply it on the problem areas and do not forget about your lips - moisturizing balm will not hurt them, too.
Method number 6: Regular If every day you take good care of the skin, no extra methods it is not required. Person pays for 5 minutes in the morning and evening - every morning you will wake up to a beautiful and young.
Method number 7: Get enough sleep This is the easiest method - put away your smartphone, turn off the laptop and give up dancing till the morning with her friends - for your skin there is nothing better than a healthy and sound sleep. Ideally, in a cool and ventilated room.