I think I've seen what love is

Ales Grandpa and Grandma Jan lived in the neighboring yard of my grandmother ...
His children lived with them somewhere very far away, so his sons old men saw only two photographs (one, color, from the Black Sea, 9 × 12, the other black and white - a Christmas party, 10 × 15) . My grandmother probably spared them about this, and often send them with all sorts of trifling errands.
- On, she listed my cabbage, and she lived a hundred years and to pickle cabbage did not learn, and tomorrow will come to him a wild boar beat, so at least a snack than a human would. And it ... sit there with her for five minutes at least. Nothing wait vahlaki (as she called my friends), your, will not disappear from the village!
I rushed headlong into the neighboring yard, broke into the house, always smelling fragrant ales and home-grown tobacco grandfather shouted from the doorway:
- Grandma Jan! I brought you a cabbage!
Then, thinking that eka prodigy in the village - cabbage, add to the solidity of the order:
- Delicious!
- Well so, of course - laughing grandmother Jana - have something of your grandmother probably and manure in the barn of my tasty!
Grandma Jan seated me in a brown stool by the window in the kitchen, I put on the table some treats and questioned about my life and times, and all the problems of life. Santa Ales summer was seldom in the house during the day, usually was making something in the yard or just sitting on a bench waiting for some company. This time, he was making some strange wind turbine. Today was a treat blueberries with sugar and milk. Put in front of me on the table bowl with floating puzatenky chernichenkami (like mine, I thought), reserve the purple footprints in gradually loses its white milk, it is a moment looked out the window of his grandfather, who was jumping around its design and loudly at her mother, dabbed speaking area handkerchief tear and whispered, caressing voice: "That old fool».
And she often asked me to catch her rooster or chicken or goose, because it should be the goal, and the word-it can not, an old already. Ales grandfather never killed anyone. He even drove mosquitoes just with yourself. And when they came to chop or cut pig bull, he even went to the village for pasture and sat there for a flock of weeping willows until until everything is finished and will not clean the blood off the court. I loved used to sit there with him. He has been beautiful mother and told me all sorts of tricks: how to make a whistle out of a leaf, which can be part of the Sycamore is, how dry moss.
- But this grass, - he said - to hurt male power is useful - and slyly winking.
I looked doubtfully at his skinny shoulders and withered biceps and doubt:
- And what you have not naedites? Look how skinny.
Grandpa long to tears laughed and waved:
- Well, you, seven years, and a fool!
I once asked my grandmother Jana why Grandpa so strange (he's my question only shrugged: "I am living organisms do not kill"), she just said well it, scatty, and my genuine surprise, and why she lives with him and not find a normal grandfather explained:
- < So because I love him, I know he is a - never to the other women did not run! All my life next , you do not look that stupid-looking, I have it very special, and that tormented him.
I am even more surprised, asking:
- And how can you run to the other women, once married? You can not?
- Grow up - you will understand.
Only later, much later, when it was my age 14 and was buried grandfather Ales, I learned why he was a beast touches grandmother told me that during the war they lived on a farm on the edge of the forest, and once drove them patrol German motorbike - an officer and two soldiers. After drinking moonshine, they were pushed out of the house and Ales molested Yana. Father returned to the house with an ax and hacked to death an officer. Then he ran for several kilometers to get away from him on a motorcycle by the Germans, who have forgotten the fear of their weapons, thereby swinging the ax. Then he returned, reassured his wife scraped clean the floor with blood ... and burning farm. Until the end of the war, they hid in forests and swamps. After the war, Ales planted for something, and Jan humpback on the farm alone, pulling on themselves their young son and waited.
- I envy them all for life - my grandmother - they have always been poor and miserable, and a lifetime together, keep each other out, that your two pigeons. envy them. All envy.
And that summer, I remember my grandmother Jana ill. We came to visit her grandfather and Ales, snapper and uses foul language, was on his knees beside the bed and kissed her old wrinkled hands.
- Sophia! - Almost I begged my grandmother Jana. - Cast out this fool you old, but then I have no strength, and will not let the bastard pohvorat easy!
I was kicked out of the company, because "there is nothing to talk babskie sluhay," and we were sitting with his grandfather at the heated walls of their home. Santa trembling fingers twisted another cigarette and wept. The first time I saw then as a grown man cry.
- That's an old cow - bubnel grandfather - never let me sluhay, that's healed - give it at the first number!
Since then, when I am asked what love is, I do not know what to say, but I know what love is.
via www.liveinternet.ru/users/4202617/rubric/3583309/
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