12 amazing facts that expand knowledge about the world
This site is a compilation of interesting facts committed scientists and researchers, it is these people with their work make our world a little clearer. So - safer and closer!
For children about 70 bones more than in adults h3> In newborns usually about 270 bones, most of which are very small. This makes bones more flexible and helps the child to pass through the birth canal and to grow rapidly. As they get older, many of these bones are fused. The skeleton of an adult averages 200-213 bones.
The Eiffel Tower "grows" in the summer of 15 cm h3> The huge structure built with expansion joints, through which steel can expand and contract without any damage.
Some metals are so chemically active that explode even when in contact with water h3> Some metals and compounds - potassium, sodium, lithium, rubidium, and cesium - exhibit increased reactivity, thus capable of lightning ignite on contact with air, and If you omit them in the water - even explode.
The gastric juice can dissolve razor blades h3> The stomach digests the food due to corrosive hydrochloric acid with high pH (pH value) - from two to three. But at the same time, the acid acts on the gastric mucosa, which, however, is able to recover quickly. Mucous your stomach is completely renewed every four days.
Venus - the only planet that rotates clockwise h3> Scientists have many versions as to why this is happening. Most likely: because of huge asteroids that have influenced its course in the past, or because of the strong air circulation in the upper atmosphere.
The flea can accelerate faster than a space shuttle h3> Jumping fleas reach staggering heights - 8 centimeters per millisecond. Each jump gives flea acceleration, 50 times the acceleration of the spacecraft.
A teaspoon of neutron star material weighs six billion tons h3> Neutron stars - are the remnants of massive stars, consisting mainly of the neutron core, covered with a relatively thin (about 1 km) crust material in the form of heavy atomic nuclei and electrons. The cores of stars who died during the supernova explosion, compressed under the influence of gravity. So we formed superdense neutron stars. The astronomers found that the mass of neutron stars can be compared with the mass of the Sun, despite the fact that they do not exceed the radius of 10-20 kilometers.
Each year, close to Alaska, Hawaii 7, 5 cm h3> The Earth's crust is made up of several huge pieces - tectonic plates. These plates are constantly moving together with the upper layer of the mantle. Hawaii is located in the middle of the Pacific plate, which is slowly drifting in a northwesterly direction to the North American Plate, which is just Alaska. Tectonic plates move with the same speed with which human fingernails grow.
After 2, 3 billion years on Earth will be too hot, so it was possible to life h3> Our planet will eventually become a vast desert-like now Mars. Hundreds of millions of years, the sun heats up, getting brighter and hotter, and will continue to do so. Somewhere in two and a half billion years the temperature becomes so high that the oceans that make Earth suitable for life evaporate. The whole planet will become a boundless desert. As scientists are predicting that in the next few billion years the sun will become a red giant and engulf the earth entirely - the planet is definitely the end will come.
20% oxygen is formed in the tropical forests of the Amazon h3> Amazon rainforest occupy 5, 5 million square kilometers. Amazon jungle produce a substantial portion of the oxygen on Earth by absorbing huge amounts of carbon dioxide, so they are often called the lungs of the planet.
Polar Bears almost impossible to detect with the thermal imager h3> Thermal able to identify the object of heat, which it emits. But polar bears are expert in the preservation of heat. Due to the thick layer of fat and a warm coat, the bears are able to tolerate even the coldest days in the Arctic.
If you remove all the interatomic space, humanity would fit in a cube of sugar h3> In fact, more than 99% of the atom 9999 - this empty space. An atom consists of a tiny dense core, surrounded by a cloud of electrons, which are proportionately occupy more space. This is because the electrons move in waves. They can exist only where the crests and troughs of the waves add up in a certain way. The electrons do not stay at one point, their location can be anywhere within the orbit. And because they take up too much space.