Liquid chestnut and other means of weight loss: why they are harmful.

Nowadays, ideological fighter for banknotes and the great schemer, Comrade. O.Bender would not have to come up with its four relatively honest ways of obtaining money from the population. Simply offer on the Internet "safe, natural and effective" slimming. This is not a pill, does not hurt, and suddenly even help? Hope boys feed.
Liquid chestnut
Waiting: easy and effective weight loss without dieting, fat loss, appetite suppression, high tonic effect, cleansing the body.
Reality: It is not clear on what counted marketers calling "liquid Kashtan" what a chestnut has nothing to do and not a liquid. This drug is not registered in the Federal Register of dietary supplements of the Russian Federation or as dietary supplements, nor, especially, as a drug. Sellers panacea another position it just as "food" and therefore no registration is required.
The structure of "Liquid chestnut" is guarana, which is not considered, for example, in the US a safe food additive. Office of FDA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not recognize any medicinal properties of guarana. If you examine the package can be seen in the composition of the following components:
Guaranine - derived from the fruit of guarana, caffeine is actually a synonym. Its content in the guarana 2-3 razabolshe than coffee. "Guranin any doses clearly contraindicated in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, glaucoma, insomnia, liver and kidney diseases. It increases the risk of tachycardia, arrhythmia, diseases of the breast. Bust can cause seizures and convulsions, "Irina Golubeva -predosteregaet.
Theophylline - heterocyclic alkaloid that stimulates the central nervous system, has a diuretic effect, increases myocardial contractility. It contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, epilepsy, elevated or reduced pressure, arrhythmias, pregnancy, breast-feeding and children under 12 years. Theophylline has many side effects, including nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and - bingo! - The long-awaited loss of appetite. The cost of the loss of health.
Theobromine - referring to psychostimulants analogue of caffeine. With regular use at a dose of 1000 mg per day, more addictive. Like any stimulants temporarily reduces the need for sleep, reduces fatigue, increases physical and mental performance. When iterating causes increased mocheisposkanie, arrhythmia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Chronic administration can lead to internal bleeding, seizures and myocardial infarction.
Conclusion: Irina Golubeva sure no effect on the weight of the drug has not. This causes significant harm to the health and has many side effects. It can be life-threatening.

Acai berries
Waiting: anti-aging effect, fat burning effect, prevention of cancer, the treatment of sexual dysfunction.
Reality: Acai - Tropical palm trees of South America, the berries that taste like blueberries whether chokeberry. Its chemical composition is not unique. Berries contain antioxidants: more than an apple, smaller than in the grapes. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin C, minerals, anthocyans and carbohydrates (fructose).
Acai berries can be left in the diet for the sake of diversity as a snack for recovery after training or as a vitamin supplement. Due to the high iron content of the berries can supplement the diet with the iron-deficiency anemia. And yet, in all these cases, you should be careful with the choice of dosage, as there is a risk of hypervitaminosis.
Conclusion: Irina Golubeva notes that Acai did not help to break down fat and losing weight do not contribute. Rather, the contrary - because of the high caloric content of fatty acids and sugars. In addition, fresh acai berries are expensive, and dried lose most medicinal qualities. This product can be quietly replaced blueberries or black grapes.

Waiting: rapid weight loss without diet and exercise, rejuvenating effect, deep cleansing of toxins, improve metabolism.
Reality: hellebore - a rare highly-poisonous plant buttercup family. The chemical composition of hellebore - alkaloid (ranunkulin, protoanemonin), cardiac glycosides (effect on the heart muscle, is used in heart failure), steroid saponins.
"Due to the content of glycosides hellebore has a calming effect and affecting serotonin metabolism (similar to antidepressants), it reduces appetite. It has a diuretic and mild laxative effect, "- says Irina Golubeva.
Hellebore in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation is not registered and is banned for use as a potent poison. And even more impossible to imagine the use of hellebore as BUD or dietary supplement without any control because of incorrectly chosen dosage can lead to death.
Conclusion: distributors hellebore as a miracle slimming, lull the vigilance of tales that it is "only grass, natural, and safe." Yes, lose weight with its help you can certainly, at the same time having obtained a lifetime subscription to the doctors. In the best case.

Waiting: sanitation and cleansing of the body, accelerating metabolism, cleansing of toxins, fat burning and
weight loss.
Reality: Kombucha or meduzometsit (Medusomyces gisevi) -
symbiosis of yeast and acetic acid bacteria. As kefir, kombucha is a fungus-zoogloeas. As a result of tea fungus turns flavored drink, a pleasant sour taste.
It is an ancient, well-known for its healing properties of the drink. With regular use it improves digestion, helps with arthritis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, will serve an excellent prevention of diseases of ARI. It is antimicrobial and immune stimulating agent. In addition, being both useful and tasty drink, Kombucha diversity is not too much choice of drinks in the diet.
Conclusion: in spite of the love of Kombucha, no pohudatelnogo it has no effect. It zoogloea grow and develop in an environment based on tea and lots of sugar. So dietary this drink can not be in any way.
Excellent means to relieve swelling, healthy complexion and weight loss.
If the coffee is impossible, but very desirable. Violates the rights :)