On what parameters chosen front door?

Selection of the front door is for the common man rather complicated, because in today's market you can find a large number of very different design options. Habitual wooden products inevitably belong to the past, and today they are confident replace metal versions. If you wish to establish a reliable and durable door they can buy in large quantities of traditional and virtual outlets. It should also be remembered that the vast majority of available positions is designed for a standard doorway, and therefore do without the services gager unlikely to succeed.

What is desirable to look for when choosing a front door? h2>
It usually goes for the following parameters:
- Cloth. It consists of a rectangular frame and fixed thereto two metal sheets. In addition, the outer part of the door can be made of steel, and the inside to be made of chipboard, MDF or array that covered the laminated film, a cheap vinyl leather or wood veneer. At the same time managing to resist the action of sunlight, humidity and temperature changes.
- The presence of ribs. There should be at least two vertical and one horizontal. A larger number of these elements improves the reliability of the entire product, but with it, and its weight increases. To minimize this drawback, in the manufacture of ribs used slozhnoprofilnyh long products, which has advantages over conventional steel pipes and corners.
- Loop. They can be hidden or external standard. Components of the first type will not be cut, and that the second case, there is the role played by the anti-Pins.
Choose the right doors and do not forget the important details!