How old is your body?
The answer to this question is not as simple as it may seem. Although man perceives itself entirely, we can say that the body is made up of tiny pieces - cells. And each of these pieces - your age. < Website thinking: how do we calculate the age? After all, for various organs and tissues of the human body cycle is complete upgrade takes different amounts of time. This means that the age of our body ... unstable.
1. Skin cells h2> Full replacement of the skin cells occurs in 14 days. Skin cells are formed in the deep layers of the dermis, gradually come to the surface and replace old cells that die and are sloughed off.
2. Cells muscles h2> Skeletal muscle tissue is completely updated at intervals of 15-16 years. The rate of cell renewal affects a person's age - the older we get, the slower the process.
3. Skeleton h2> 7-10 years - this time, for which there is a complete cell regeneration of bone tissue. The structure of the skeleton while operating both old and young cells. This wrong unbalanced diet can affect the worse the quality of the new cells, causing numerous complications. Daily bone generates hundreds of millions of new cells.
4. Blood cells h2> Complete blood cell renewal takes from 120 to 150 days. The body of a healthy person daily produces the same amount of blood cells as they die, and this number is equal to about 500 billion cells that have different purposes.
5. Stomach h2> epithelial cells of the stomach, which filter nutrients into the body, are replaced very quickly - all within 3-5 days. This is necessary, as these cells are exposed to very aggressive environment - the gastric fluid and enzymes responsible for processing of food.
6. Intestine h2> If you do not focus on intestinal epithelial cells, which are replaced every 5 days, the average age of the intestine will be approximately 15-16 years.
7. Liver h2> Its cells are completely renewed for only 300-500 days. It is surprising that the loss of 75% of the liver cells, it is able to recover the full amount of its only 3-4 months. Therefore, a healthy person can especially not fearing for his health of his liver transplant in need - it will grow again.
8. Heart h2> For a long time it was assumed that the cells of the myocardium (heart muscle tissue) is generally not updated. However, recent studies have shown that a complete upgrade of the heart muscle occurs about once every 20 years.
9. Sight h2> Sam lens and brain cells responsible for processing visual information are the same age as men. Regenerates and updated only cells of the cornea. At the same time a complete upgrade of the cornea takes place rather quickly - the whole cycle takes 7-10 days.
10. Brain h2> The hippocampus - part of the brain responsible for learning and memory, and the olfactory bulb regularly update their cells. Moreover, the higher physical and brain activity, the more often the formation of new neurons in these areas.

1. Skin cells h2> Full replacement of the skin cells occurs in 14 days. Skin cells are formed in the deep layers of the dermis, gradually come to the surface and replace old cells that die and are sloughed off.
2. Cells muscles h2> Skeletal muscle tissue is completely updated at intervals of 15-16 years. The rate of cell renewal affects a person's age - the older we get, the slower the process.
3. Skeleton h2> 7-10 years - this time, for which there is a complete cell regeneration of bone tissue. The structure of the skeleton while operating both old and young cells. This wrong unbalanced diet can affect the worse the quality of the new cells, causing numerous complications. Daily bone generates hundreds of millions of new cells.
4. Blood cells h2> Complete blood cell renewal takes from 120 to 150 days. The body of a healthy person daily produces the same amount of blood cells as they die, and this number is equal to about 500 billion cells that have different purposes.
5. Stomach h2> epithelial cells of the stomach, which filter nutrients into the body, are replaced very quickly - all within 3-5 days. This is necessary, as these cells are exposed to very aggressive environment - the gastric fluid and enzymes responsible for processing of food.
6. Intestine h2> If you do not focus on intestinal epithelial cells, which are replaced every 5 days, the average age of the intestine will be approximately 15-16 years.
7. Liver h2> Its cells are completely renewed for only 300-500 days. It is surprising that the loss of 75% of the liver cells, it is able to recover the full amount of its only 3-4 months. Therefore, a healthy person can especially not fearing for his health of his liver transplant in need - it will grow again.
8. Heart h2> For a long time it was assumed that the cells of the myocardium (heart muscle tissue) is generally not updated. However, recent studies have shown that a complete upgrade of the heart muscle occurs about once every 20 years.
9. Sight h2> Sam lens and brain cells responsible for processing visual information are the same age as men. Regenerates and updated only cells of the cornea. At the same time a complete upgrade of the cornea takes place rather quickly - the whole cycle takes 7-10 days.
10. Brain h2> The hippocampus - part of the brain responsible for learning and memory, and the olfactory bulb regularly update their cells. Moreover, the higher physical and brain activity, the more often the formation of new neurons in these areas.
via dnpmag.com/2015/10/23/s-kakoj-skorostyu-obnovlyayutsya-kletki-nashego-tela/
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