8 facts about the wedding, marriage and love through the eyes of children
The Editorial remembered as a child puzzled over the same intricacies of adult relationships ... And as we see from this collection, without a bit of creativity here is not will deal! 1. What is a wedding in terms of children: h3> «Wedding - this is where you come for the girl to her walk, and never returned to her parents." Yarik, 6 years
2. How to choose a husband or wife? H3> «It is necessary that she liked the same thing you are. For example, you love football, while his wife ensures that the house always had chips and dip into that. " Alex, age 9
3. The best age for marriage? H3> «When you are about 75 years old so you can not work all the time and stay in bed and love each other." Anya, 8 years
4. What if the date has passed bored? H3> «The next time you call the other boy. Because I do not get bored, even when Anton plays the robots in my party. Perhaps it's just a love ... Oh! "Arina, 6 years
5. When can I start to kiss? H3> «You can not kiss a girl until I save up money for the ring. I still have 20 rubles is not enough. " Arseny, 7 years
6. How to meet your parents? H3> «They just were together. And then we met in a museum. " Bogdan, 6 years
7. The secret of a happy family? H3> «It is necessary to tell his wife that she is beautiful, even if in the morning it seems that it stung by bees." Misha 8 years
8. Better to be alone Married? H3> «Girls - lonely boys - married. They also need to someone behind them cleaned. " Irisha, 6 years
1. What is a wedding in terms of children: h3> «Wedding - this is where you come for the girl to her walk, and never returned to her parents." Yarik, 6 years
"When people love each other, they kiss each other all the time. But then they get tired of kissing, and what they do next? Then they get married. " Dasha, 8 years
2. How to choose a husband or wife? H3> «It is necessary that she liked the same thing you are. For example, you love football, while his wife ensures that the house always had chips and dip into that. " Alex, age 9
"My mother says I meet intelligent and kind guy ... But I probably just choose the highest and blue eyes." Milan, 7 years
3. The best age for marriage? H3> «When you are about 75 years old so you can not work all the time and stay in bed and love each other." Anya, 8 years
"Well, the garden will finish - and will look for a wife." Nikita, 5 years
4. What if the date has passed bored? H3> «The next time you call the other boy. Because I do not get bored, even when Anton plays the robots in my party. Perhaps it's just a love ... Oh! "Arina, 6 years
"I would have run away and hid under the bed. And another would call on TV, so they announced that I had died. " Gordo, 9 years
5. When can I start to kiss? H3> «You can not kiss a girl until I save up money for the ring. I still have 20 rubles is not enough. " Arseny, 7 years
"The main thing - not to kiss in public. If someone sees you can stand in the corner all the cartoons. But if no one is looking, I would have kissed a pretty boy. Not for long, a few of hours. " Nastya, 6 years
6. How to meet your parents? H3> «They just were together. And then we met in a museum. " Bogdan, 6 years
"The institute dad asked my mother to help him with homework. Mom agreed, and later learned that my father was much more intelligent than the pretended ". Eugene, 7 years
7. The secret of a happy family? H3> «It is necessary to tell his wife that she is beautiful, even if in the morning it seems that it stung by bees." Misha 8 years
"My mom and dad shares his food, but he does not ask." Tanya, 6 years
8. Better to be alone Married? H3> «Girls - lonely boys - married. They also need to someone behind them cleaned. " Irisha, 6 years
"I even have a headache. I'm a child. I was too early to think about it. " Ilya, 9 years old.
via fit4brain.com/9859
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