Researchers warn that eternal summer can be harmful to health
Интернациональная a team of scientists from 26 universities and research institutions in Europe, USA, Australia, India and Japan have warned that the lifestyle of modern man, which minimizes the impact of climatic conditions, can be harmful to his health.
Modern man is able to control the climate of your home, car, workplace, so that almost always accompanies it comfortable temperature, which resembles a pleasant summer weather. In winter, when daylight is reduced, it is artificially prolonged due to electric lighting.
Meanwhile, about a quarter of all the genes in our body adapted to the changing seasons and the daily cycle. For example, the work of the body is designed so that when a cold snap, he should begin to deal with the possibility of disease. In addition, scientists believe that insulated from the effects of global warming with the help of air conditioning and climate control systems, people are moving away from reality and its pressing problems.
Unfortunately, no one knows what the consequences it may cause large-scale artificial leveling effects of climate change on mankind. A detailed examination of these issues and calling authors of .
"In general, our work emphasizes that people do not just passively respond to seasonal climate changes, - says Dr. Tyler Stevenson [Tyler Stevenson], lead author of the work. - Our task is to understand how humans and other animals treated with these changes at the genetic level ».
"All beings on our planet have evolved together in an environment that is changing with the seasons. Their life cycles are finely tuned and adapted to the changing seasons. Destruction of these seasons, and human influence, which are subject to the ecosystem, are taking a large-scale in nature, are complex and not well understood, "- echoes Dr. Alistair Dawson [Alistair Dawson].
But Dr. Barbara Helm [Barbara Helm] launched an initiative "Seasons of Life". By studying the seasonal biology of birds, it examined in detail, how interconnected organisms of different species adapt to changing seasons. She believes that a better understanding of the effect of the seasons on the functioning of the human body and the animal will help to improve medicine.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/264058/
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