Odessa inimitable wit post

so skillfully answer any question and appropriate humor can only Odessa and the specific dialect and local expressions have long been known far beyond the city.
Website does not get tired to admire the wisdom of life Odessa and believes that they have a lot to learn.
- Solomon! I am fat!
- And how you determined that you're fat?
- I can not get into your old wardrobe!
- God, Sofa! Well, buy a bigger closet! - Izzy, and you sho 40 years yet still living with his mother?
- Oh! Vaughn Prince Charles, too, lives with his mother and did not regret it. - Aunt Fira, yet what you do in Odessa?
- I've got his job!
- And Shaw is?
- We are neighbors do at the entrance of the news! - Izzy, I'm invited to her, shoby you drank to my health, and you drink a glass of the sixth!
- Rose Sorry, but you look so bad!

In the dark alley robber stops Jew:
- Give me the money and do not try to make noise!
- Oh, you sho! I have nothing against shoby of being robbed, but I have no money with you ... Come on, I'll have you. Odessa. Announcement on the newsstand:
"Went for lunch. I will when I get back «. - How to cook an omelet in Hebrew?
- To begin to engage in a neighbor 3 eggs ... - Sarochka, say you have a gift to seduce men.
- Free?! - Mony, you live by the law or conscience?
- I beg you, on the situation, of course! - Tsilechka, expensive, and this soup is not exactly spoiled?
- Zalman, eat not worry, tomorrow still off!

- Oh, Rabinovich! Your face is so reminds me of Paris!
- Shaw do you mean by that?
- So you want to go! On the show "Smartest" to the question that excess among the words - carrots, onions, potatoes, and "Lexus" - a fifth grader Izzy said: "Carrots, onions, potatoes." On the morning of Odessa on the asphalt courtyard there was an inscription: "All men bastards!". Following someone has added: "You, Sarah Abramovna also not a gift!». - Abraham, you lend me 10 rubles to the environment?
- And I need it? And so I do not sleep!

- Fima, I was such a fool in his youth ...
- Do not worry ... You are now younger look! - Yasha, you still have your mouth open, call Semotchka the yard! - Sarah ... You know, I'm paid well, and I contain quite another woman ... What do you say?
- Perfectly! I'm calling your mother, let her stay with us .... Grandma Sonia liked Skype.
- No, you still see what a thing! And like we have guests, and feeding is not necessary. - David, I now had a dream about your wife.
- And what she had to say?
- It seems nothing.
- Then it was not my wife - my Rose always has something to say. The door of a neighbor's child knocks Goldman:
- Solomon Abramovich came to visit us, and Dad asks you for a spin.
- Well, Itzik, I'll disguise myself bring.
A little humor Odessa:
Odessa connected
School wit in Odessa
If you learn the wisdom of life, then the citizens of Odessa
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/esli-uchitsya-zhiznennnoj-mudrosti-to-u-odessitov-1023560/