Odessa unique women

Odessa - a special city. On the unique humor and slang famous legends of its people, write books and make films. In Odessa citizens have their own opinions about everything - and the beautiful half of humanity is not an exception.
Website has collected sketches in which women delight seasoned spicy Odessa humor.
On the meat is brought to the pavilion is a woman laden with shopping bags, stopped at the counter with a pig's head, staring at her looks and issues:
- Oh, I forgot to buy cigarettes husband! During the marriage vocabulary Sofas reduced to rolling of eyes.

... And they lived with Rose happily ever after 60 years. 3 years happily and 57 long. - Sarochka, listen to my mother! If your friend is no longer shave every day, change socks, to apologize, to pay compliments, give flowers - everything ... calm down ... it's yours! - Celia, you have a shred of conscience is? !
- Yes, you sho ... Monia, still instill? Five-year Sofochka moan:
- Mom, Mom, can you give me candy?
- Can.
- And yet we are waiting for Shaw?

- I always eat much when nervous.
- Judging by your figure, little Sophie, a quiet life you do not know. - Dear sho most important thing in female beauty?
- Mouth!
- Shape, color, size? ..
- No. The main thing shoby it was closed. - Boris M., I did hear that you have a granddaughter was born! Certainly it looks like my grandmother - Rosa Samuilovna?
- Sho you say? Begin to talk - then we'll see. - Madame short, interested in ask: How old are you?
- 85.
- Oh-wei! And you drink, smoke?
- Of course! Otherwise, I never shall die ...

- You want to marry my daughter ?!
- Yes.
- Come on, Rose! To us came some crazy! «Behind every great man is a great woman." Tackie yes, these women are able to sneak up on. On the date Rabinowitz asks Sarah:
- You probably love to draw?
- Yes, Yasha, and how did you know?
- As the eyebrows seen! - My husband is not interested in me as a woman.
- Try to put on some sexy black lingerie.
- I already did that. He put down the newspaper and said, "Taki who died?» Sarochka Fima have won a large sum of money. And not to give Schaub, married him.

In tears Cara reproachfully says to her husband:
- You do not even want to know why I'm crying? Do you want to tell?
- Do not! I do not have that kind of money! Fira several times sat on a diet. And every time - past. - Fima, I'm fat?
- Sho you, Lucy! No of course! You're just a very noticeable! - Monya, go eat! I stabbed herring. - Rosa L., when old age comes?
- When the cosmetic turns into a first aid kit.
See also the continuation of the post:
Odessa look at women
And more of the Odessa humor:
Post a purely Odessa flirting
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/post-chisto-odesskogo-flirta-979560/