Fasting month
Hello! Due to numerous requests for all who read, who is visiting us and wanted to try yourself as a blogger, it was decided to organize a small competition for the "best post of the month." The prize - 3000 rubles.
The point is very simple. During the period August 28 - September 28, you can publish on your VeV.ru material, and after September 28, within five days, we summarize - what position was the most-most. Winner - author of the post - 3000 rubles received via WebMoney or bank transfer or transfer of the mobile phone service provider account. As an option, purchase something in the shop clothes.
Who can participate? All can participate. Especially the guests. If you are interested in this blog if you are interested in fashion, stars, music and movies, and you do not-is not tempted to write something, please register on the site, publish their works.
How do we determine the best position? The contest will take place in two stages.
Step One. In the first stage, I personally go through each of the published during the 30 days of fasting. Collect 10-15 posts that I like and that will be nominated for the top prize. It is not necessary to write only one post - if several of your posts are good, the list can get all of them. That is a large number of posts increases the probability of winning.
Step Two. The commission of experts, consisting of the top bloggers of our site, using the voting will choose the best post. The expert commission consists of the following individuals:
Each of these girls at our site wrote dozens or even a hundred posts, and they will have to evaluate. After completion of the competition, I personally contact each of them and invite them to evaluate the nominees 10-15 point scale. Post, who collected the best average score, will receive the title of the best post of the month, and its author - 3000 rubles. Naturally, the committee members will not be able to vote for themselves.
How to write a post?
For those who used our website did not write anything.
1) up (if you are a guest), found on the main page, click "Write" and click on it:
2) Write interesting post. For example, like these:
Debriefing: male vs female perspective view;
Duel of the two "stars": Pitchers vs. wolf;
Rare photos of celebrities together;
Dare to wear such ?;
Prints - our all;
60-70-80s. Part 1.
These are just examples, no more. Choose the original theme. The main thing - that your post was interesting to read - about the same as I was interested to read the posts on the links.
3) The text of the article must be unique, that is written by your own, but not copied. Exception: quote someone else's words. But, even in the presence of quotations, the article should still attend your personal author's text in sufficient quantities. By the way, if the quotes are made that this tag:
4) The article should consist mainly of photos. Photos should be 30-40 (but no rigid framework). Prohibited pictures with copyrights Russian websites. Pictures from the English-speaking copyrights allowed but it is desirable that the number of "bezkopiraytnyh" picture dominated.
If you are looking for photos using Google Images, then there is the opportunity to see "other dimensions" and "similar photo", on which there can be the same photo, but larger and without copyright:
5) The article certainly stock tag cut, which reduces post for the main page. Tag cut should be set immediately after the first picture (there are exceptions when the cut can be applied after the second and third photo). To put a tag cut, you have to press this button here:
6) In the post it may be rollers. YouTube videos in the post can be inserted in the following manner:
That is, hold a check in the "Use old embed code" and then copy the code.
7) In terms of the selection of photos - you need to strike a balance "bolshevism" gallery and interesting. Ie on one side, preferably more photos (more than the width 550 pixels). But sometimes appropriate larger image is not there. For example, the frame you want out of a movie, or someone's wedding photo - can only be a small amount. Then you can place this very small size.
For example, if you write a post about what the guests appeared in the TV series Friends, it is best to add a post footage from the show with these same guests, not the red carpet. As here - is correct. As here - it is wrong.
8) How to download all photos at once (with a computer)? With this Loader here:
That is, click Review, and then allocate the mouse a list of files to download, then click "download". If the downloader does not work for, you can use an alternative (icon image). Or, say, try another browser (eg, Firefox).
Well - in general, and all. I look forward to your posts - and good luck!
If you have any questions regarding the theme or design of the post - write to me.
The point is very simple. During the period August 28 - September 28, you can publish on your VeV.ru material, and after September 28, within five days, we summarize - what position was the most-most. Winner - author of the post - 3000 rubles received via WebMoney or bank transfer or transfer of the mobile phone service provider account. As an option, purchase something in the shop clothes.
Who can participate? All can participate. Especially the guests. If you are interested in this blog if you are interested in fashion, stars, music and movies, and you do not-is not tempted to write something, please register on the site, publish their works.
How do we determine the best position? The contest will take place in two stages.
Step One. In the first stage, I personally go through each of the published during the 30 days of fasting. Collect 10-15 posts that I like and that will be nominated for the top prize. It is not necessary to write only one post - if several of your posts are good, the list can get all of them. That is a large number of posts increases the probability of winning.
Step Two. The commission of experts, consisting of the top bloggers of our site, using the voting will choose the best post. The expert commission consists of the following individuals:

Each of these girls at our site wrote dozens or even a hundred posts, and they will have to evaluate. After completion of the competition, I personally contact each of them and invite them to evaluate the nominees 10-15 point scale. Post, who collected the best average score, will receive the title of the best post of the month, and its author - 3000 rubles. Naturally, the committee members will not be able to vote for themselves.
How to write a post?
For those who used our website did not write anything.
1) up (if you are a guest), found on the main page, click "Write" and click on it:

2) Write interesting post. For example, like these:
Debriefing: male vs female perspective view;
Duel of the two "stars": Pitchers vs. wolf;
Rare photos of celebrities together;
Dare to wear such ?;
Prints - our all;
60-70-80s. Part 1.
These are just examples, no more. Choose the original theme. The main thing - that your post was interesting to read - about the same as I was interested to read the posts on the links.
3) The text of the article must be unique, that is written by your own, but not copied. Exception: quote someone else's words. But, even in the presence of quotations, the article should still attend your personal author's text in sufficient quantities. By the way, if the quotes are made that this tag:

4) The article should consist mainly of photos. Photos should be 30-40 (but no rigid framework). Prohibited pictures with copyrights Russian websites. Pictures from the English-speaking copyrights allowed but it is desirable that the number of "bezkopiraytnyh" picture dominated.
If you are looking for photos using Google Images, then there is the opportunity to see "other dimensions" and "similar photo", on which there can be the same photo, but larger and without copyright:

5) The article certainly stock tag cut, which reduces post for the main page. Tag cut should be set immediately after the first picture (there are exceptions when the cut can be applied after the second and third photo). To put a tag cut, you have to press this button here:

6) In the post it may be rollers. YouTube videos in the post can be inserted in the following manner:

That is, hold a check in the "Use old embed code" and then copy the code.
7) In terms of the selection of photos - you need to strike a balance "bolshevism" gallery and interesting. Ie on one side, preferably more photos (more than the width 550 pixels). But sometimes appropriate larger image is not there. For example, the frame you want out of a movie, or someone's wedding photo - can only be a small amount. Then you can place this very small size.
For example, if you write a post about what the guests appeared in the TV series Friends, it is best to add a post footage from the show with these same guests, not the red carpet. As here - is correct. As here - it is wrong.
8) How to download all photos at once (with a computer)? With this Loader here:

That is, click Review, and then allocate the mouse a list of files to download, then click "download". If the downloader does not work for, you can use an alternative (icon image). Or, say, try another browser (eg, Firefox).
Well - in general, and all. I look forward to your posts - and good luck!
If you have any questions regarding the theme or design of the post - write to me.