This lovely woman named Nadya Suleman, it is an American with Iranian roots. In 2009, about her world media trumpeted pohlesche than about Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt. No, Nadia is not the star of music or movies, it is famous for the fact that gave birth to eight children at once ... !!!
How is it possible - ask someone, because a maximum of children who are born in a natural way - it's five. But no one said that "oktopyata" (dubbed as children Suleman in the press) were conceived naturally. Suleman used the procedure of artificial insemination. Nadia were first transplanted 12 (!) Of embryos, but four had somehow torn away. Artificial insemination Suleman spent in this area known American specialist Michael Kamrava. Later, reporters asked him if it was not really experiment with conscious of their actions a woman? Kamrava claimed that Nadia literally begged him to carry out the procedure. Later Kamrava deprived of medical license.
All could be explained if Nadya Suleman had no children at all. However, before the procedure of fertilization in women (which, incidentally, is divorced and does not work anywhere) it was already six children. That is, along with "oktopyatami" Nadia only fourteen children. You can imagine that? And she is not yet forty.
After the "oktomame" wrote the newspaper, public opinion was divided. Some admired the courage of Nadi, others criticized her for recklessness. With her husband, Mario Guttieresom Nadia divorced in 2000, parents do not support it. The woman actually left alone with fourteen children in their arms, eight of which - newborn. What was she thinking, to count? It turns out that was something.
Shortly after the birth oktopyat Nagy announced its participation in the reality show Celebridate. American had planned to become a star of the screen, but it did not work the way it is calculated. After several editions of the show was interesting to watch people like Nadia feeds, disguises, swayed their oktopyat. Show a little utuhlo, and the only source of income Suleman began to donations from various charities.
About oktomame talked a lot in 2009, we are sometimes remembered in 2010, in 2011 it was forgotten. Suleman recently decided to remind myself another shocking statement. In an interview with reporters InTouch Weekly, women who tortured face, admitted ... that he hated his children:
"I hate them all. They behave like disgusting animals (it is very colorful confirmed the video where you can see how one of the children chewing on the wall)
According to Nadia, she sees no rest day or night. Sometimes she wants to kill herself to get rid of this nightmare. In addition, she said that maybe soon she and her children will die of hunger, because they have no money to pay for housing and food. Suleman admitted that her children are going to be evicted from the house.
How to treat this? I believe that this Nadia completely inadequate, and it should be treated immediately. Clearly, this woman wanted to become famous, but not the same price !!! Toddlers have an urgent need to take it. However, in the United States with their laws debility even that hard to do - children must be my mother, you know.

How is it possible - ask someone, because a maximum of children who are born in a natural way - it's five. But no one said that "oktopyata" (dubbed as children Suleman in the press) were conceived naturally. Suleman used the procedure of artificial insemination. Nadia were first transplanted 12 (!) Of embryos, but four had somehow torn away. Artificial insemination Suleman spent in this area known American specialist Michael Kamrava. Later, reporters asked him if it was not really experiment with conscious of their actions a woman? Kamrava claimed that Nadia literally begged him to carry out the procedure. Later Kamrava deprived of medical license.

All could be explained if Nadya Suleman had no children at all. However, before the procedure of fertilization in women (which, incidentally, is divorced and does not work anywhere) it was already six children. That is, along with "oktopyatami" Nadia only fourteen children. You can imagine that? And she is not yet forty.

After the "oktomame" wrote the newspaper, public opinion was divided. Some admired the courage of Nadi, others criticized her for recklessness. With her husband, Mario Guttieresom Nadia divorced in 2000, parents do not support it. The woman actually left alone with fourteen children in their arms, eight of which - newborn. What was she thinking, to count? It turns out that was something.

Shortly after the birth oktopyat Nagy announced its participation in the reality show Celebridate. American had planned to become a star of the screen, but it did not work the way it is calculated. After several editions of the show was interesting to watch people like Nadia feeds, disguises, swayed their oktopyat. Show a little utuhlo, and the only source of income Suleman began to donations from various charities.

About oktomame talked a lot in 2009, we are sometimes remembered in 2010, in 2011 it was forgotten. Suleman recently decided to remind myself another shocking statement. In an interview with reporters InTouch Weekly, women who tortured face, admitted ... that he hated his children:
"I hate them all. They behave like disgusting animals (it is very colorful confirmed the video where you can see how one of the children chewing on the wall)

According to Nadia, she sees no rest day or night. Sometimes she wants to kill herself to get rid of this nightmare. In addition, she said that maybe soon she and her children will die of hunger, because they have no money to pay for housing and food. Suleman admitted that her children are going to be evicted from the house.

How to treat this? I believe that this Nadia completely inadequate, and it should be treated immediately. Clearly, this woman wanted to become famous, but not the same price !!! Toddlers have an urgent need to take it. However, in the United States with their laws debility even that hard to do - children must be my mother, you know.