Lent: a table irreplaceable food for all who adhere to tradition.
Fasting is already underway - starting from February 23, religious people changed their diet and thinking about the spiritual life seriously. Lent - the longest post in the year, it takes as much as 40 days. Unfortunately, many people do not understand the reasons why you need to restrict your diet, because their position is more like a regular diet. If you want to just lose weight, meal plan during Lent you sure this will help. But the point of the post is not in losing weight and not even in the recovery of the body. Rejecting a heavy, hearty food, you're clarifies your mind - when a person is constantly in a slightly fasted state, it is much better to think. Fasting gives you a good opportunity to reflect on my life - I'm doing everything right? Why is this happening to me? Especially valuable post for those people who are not experiencing the best period in my life, - the refusal of solid food symbolizes redemption. Besides the physical aspect, which is expressed in a change of diet, fasting has an important spiritual component, and this is not only the traditional prayer. While fasting is necessary to monitor their behavior, be kind to others, to try to understand others. Do not be angry, to be patient and merciful - the main task of the believer during Lent. I believe that such a post is useful all year round ...
to light holiday of Easter can not eat milk, eggs, chicken, meat. Also, you can not eat mayonnaise, butter, white bread and pastries, sweets ... According to the most stringent regulations, some days have to completely give up the food, even hot and cold food on alternate days. Consider this a detailed table of food on days during Lent. It may seem like you are too strict - but do not worry, it's not so scary.
When you fast, your menu should consist mainly of cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Wonderful food - dried fruits, they will replace sweets. Mushrooms, greens, soybeans, various beans are also welcome during Lent. So you can diversify the table vegetarian dishes - the post will be held for you painlessly. Much more difficult to restrain anger, and control their emotions than to abstain from certain foods, believe me. The habit of eating meatless dishes will you have a week of fasting.
Do not hesitate - you'll never regret that post. The victory over him, over his passions - that is worth to try. Your life will be transformed the field of such a test, try to spend Lent as it should. At least once.
Remind your friends about Lent, show them this article.
via takprosto cc

to light holiday of Easter can not eat milk, eggs, chicken, meat. Also, you can not eat mayonnaise, butter, white bread and pastries, sweets ... According to the most stringent regulations, some days have to completely give up the food, even hot and cold food on alternate days. Consider this a detailed table of food on days during Lent. It may seem like you are too strict - but do not worry, it's not so scary.

When you fast, your menu should consist mainly of cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Wonderful food - dried fruits, they will replace sweets. Mushrooms, greens, soybeans, various beans are also welcome during Lent. So you can diversify the table vegetarian dishes - the post will be held for you painlessly. Much more difficult to restrain anger, and control their emotions than to abstain from certain foods, believe me. The habit of eating meatless dishes will you have a week of fasting.

Do not hesitate - you'll never regret that post. The victory over him, over his passions - that is worth to try. Your life will be transformed the field of such a test, try to spend Lent as it should. At least once.

Remind your friends about Lent, show them this article.
via takprosto cc
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