9 of happy relationships
Editorial quite sure that if everyone tried to comply with these simple psychological laws, the world would be much happier, happier and maybe even warmer! < 1. The similarity law. We always attract just such a man in my life that are in fact themselves. If you are not satisfied with your surroundings, you look into his soul. If you think you are lucky people, it is only because you are such a. So if you want to attract into your life worthy of man, become a man.
2. The law of cause and effect. What do we give is what you get. Consult with your partner the way you would like it (-one) addressed to you.
3. The law of love. All of us: men and women who really need love. Love is acceptance, honesty, tenderness, caring, willingness to give and take responsibility, reliability, unselfishness, generosity. The more we demonstrate these qualities, the more we get in return. These symptoms as fear, jealousy, dependency, manipulation, control, claims, accusations, destroy relationships, and nothing to do with love are not.
4. The law power of the word. You know what power words have. words can heal, and you can kill him. Be careful what you say. Labels, insults, accusations created the soul wounds that are difficult to heal. They have an irreversible action. Because at the heart of every person the child lives, experiencing fear of rejection. Be careful not to underestimate their ability to hurt him. Use the power of words only kind words, compliments, approval support.
5. The law of confidence. Trust is essential for true intimacy. Without it, a person becomes suspicious, anxious and full of fear, and the other feels the emotional trap, he feels that he's not allowed to breathe freely. Jealousy - it is the fear of loneliness, low self-esteem and a dislike to him. The trust - an essential element of true love.
6. Law sincerity. Users often assume that if you love someone, then it is all - ahead of a life full of happiness. But in fact love is never fixed, it looks like a plant that grows and blooms either, or wither and die
Sincere communication is similar to water without plants can not survive. Talk to each other about their desires, needs, their attitudes and feelings. Let us know your partner that you love him and appreciate. Never be afraid to say the three magic words: "I love you».
Do not take a good attitude to you as a matter of course. Talk about your feelings, do not be afraid to praise partner. Sincere praise is like the sun for the plants, will breathe new life into your relationship. Because each of us is the inner child, which is vital to the approval and adoption.
7. Act of donation. Love - is to give a part of yourself, without payment and reservations. If you want love, you only need to give it. And the more you give, the more you get. Love is like a boomerang, it always comes back. It may not always be on the person to whom you gave it, but it still comes back to you. And will return a hundredfold.
It is important to remember that we reserve the unlimited love. We do not lose it when we give. The only way to lose love is within us - it does not give it to others. One of the reasons why people rarely experience love, - they are waiting for their first love someone else. But it looks like the musician who says, "I'm going to play music, only when people start to dance." Or wait for the heat from the fire is not put there firewood.
True love is unconditional, it asks nothing in return. It does not tolerate barter. The secret formula of happy relationship for life is to always pay attention not to what you can take, and what you can give.
8. The law touches. Touch - is one of the most powerful expressions of love, break down barriers and strengthening relationships. Touch the person - is to touch his heart. Maybe that's why, when we are offended at someone, saying, "Do not touch me!" More often hug a loved one just like that, without a sexual motive, hold hands.
The researchers conducted an experiment in a clinic in London. Chief surgeon usually visited each of their patients before surgery in the evening to answer questions and explain the general nature of the operation. And during the experiment surgeon held the arm of each patient the few minutes that he spoke with him. These patients recovered three times faster than the rest
9. The law of freedom. If we love someone, you need to give him his freedom. Free to take its own decisions, free to live as he wants, not the way we want. Each of us need our own space. People need to be free in the relationship, because otherwise they feel trapped. If you really love someone, you have to respect his wishes and needs. It is not always easy to let go of the freedom of the one you love, but no other way. Life wisdom tells us, the more freedom we give to another, the closer he is to us.
via www.cluber.com.ua/lifestyle/lichnaya-zhizn/2015/09/zakonyi-schastlivyih-otnosheniy/
2. The law of cause and effect. What do we give is what you get. Consult with your partner the way you would like it (-one) addressed to you.
3. The law of love. All of us: men and women who really need love. Love is acceptance, honesty, tenderness, caring, willingness to give and take responsibility, reliability, unselfishness, generosity. The more we demonstrate these qualities, the more we get in return. These symptoms as fear, jealousy, dependency, manipulation, control, claims, accusations, destroy relationships, and nothing to do with love are not.
4. The law power of the word. You know what power words have. words can heal, and you can kill him. Be careful what you say. Labels, insults, accusations created the soul wounds that are difficult to heal. They have an irreversible action. Because at the heart of every person the child lives, experiencing fear of rejection. Be careful not to underestimate their ability to hurt him. Use the power of words only kind words, compliments, approval support.

5. The law of confidence. Trust is essential for true intimacy. Without it, a person becomes suspicious, anxious and full of fear, and the other feels the emotional trap, he feels that he's not allowed to breathe freely. Jealousy - it is the fear of loneliness, low self-esteem and a dislike to him. The trust - an essential element of true love.
6. Law sincerity. Users often assume that if you love someone, then it is all - ahead of a life full of happiness. But in fact love is never fixed, it looks like a plant that grows and blooms either, or wither and die
Sincere communication is similar to water without plants can not survive. Talk to each other about their desires, needs, their attitudes and feelings. Let us know your partner that you love him and appreciate. Never be afraid to say the three magic words: "I love you».
Do not take a good attitude to you as a matter of course. Talk about your feelings, do not be afraid to praise partner. Sincere praise is like the sun for the plants, will breathe new life into your relationship. Because each of us is the inner child, which is vital to the approval and adoption.
7. Act of donation. Love - is to give a part of yourself, without payment and reservations. If you want love, you only need to give it. And the more you give, the more you get. Love is like a boomerang, it always comes back. It may not always be on the person to whom you gave it, but it still comes back to you. And will return a hundredfold.
It is important to remember that we reserve the unlimited love. We do not lose it when we give. The only way to lose love is within us - it does not give it to others. One of the reasons why people rarely experience love, - they are waiting for their first love someone else. But it looks like the musician who says, "I'm going to play music, only when people start to dance." Or wait for the heat from the fire is not put there firewood.
True love is unconditional, it asks nothing in return. It does not tolerate barter. The secret formula of happy relationship for life is to always pay attention not to what you can take, and what you can give.
8. The law touches. Touch - is one of the most powerful expressions of love, break down barriers and strengthening relationships. Touch the person - is to touch his heart. Maybe that's why, when we are offended at someone, saying, "Do not touch me!" More often hug a loved one just like that, without a sexual motive, hold hands.
The researchers conducted an experiment in a clinic in London. Chief surgeon usually visited each of their patients before surgery in the evening to answer questions and explain the general nature of the operation. And during the experiment surgeon held the arm of each patient the few minutes that he spoke with him. These patients recovered three times faster than the rest
9. The law of freedom. If we love someone, you need to give him his freedom. Free to take its own decisions, free to live as he wants, not the way we want. Each of us need our own space. People need to be free in the relationship, because otherwise they feel trapped. If you really love someone, you have to respect his wishes and needs. It is not always easy to let go of the freedom of the one you love, but no other way. Life wisdom tells us, the more freedom we give to another, the closer he is to us.
via www.cluber.com.ua/lifestyle/lichnaya-zhizn/2015/09/zakonyi-schastlivyih-otnosheniy/
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