This is one of the best ways to strengthen the immune system in the home.
From our immunity it depends on the operation of all organs and systems. When a person gets sick, malnourished, constantly subject to stress or living in adverse conditions, the protective function of the body is reduced and to restore it takes a long time. If you want to strengthen the immune system as soon as possible - try it out! Perhaps he is not the most pleasant, but effective!
How to:
1. Pour into a bowl of cold water and add a few ice cubes.
2. Water should be enough so that it reaches the ankles.
3. Perch both legs in a bowl for 10-15 seconds.
4. If you think that this time you will seem like an eternity, diverting minds, turning on the television or your favorite music.
5. After 15 seconds, dry the feet, dress warm woolen socks and go to bed.
6. Once you feel that warmed up, you can remove the socks.
The cold bath for the feet recommends his patients MD, founder Sergey Bubnovsky kinesitherapy. To strengthen the immune system in a manner sufficient to repeat this procedure every day before going to bed. During a cold or the flu can make baths every 4 hours. Do not think that your condition will get worse, on the contrary, the immune system reacts strongly to such stress and be able to quickly deal with the disease.
Remember that before any treatment is necessary to consult with your doctor.
Cold foot bath - a great way to bring the body to tone! If you expensive health of your friends - be sure to tell them how to strengthen the immune system without drugs!
via takprosto.cc
How to:
1. Pour into a bowl of cold water and add a few ice cubes.
2. Water should be enough so that it reaches the ankles.
3. Perch both legs in a bowl for 10-15 seconds.
4. If you think that this time you will seem like an eternity, diverting minds, turning on the television or your favorite music.
5. After 15 seconds, dry the feet, dress warm woolen socks and go to bed.
6. Once you feel that warmed up, you can remove the socks.
The cold bath for the feet recommends his patients MD, founder Sergey Bubnovsky kinesitherapy. To strengthen the immune system in a manner sufficient to repeat this procedure every day before going to bed. During a cold or the flu can make baths every 4 hours. Do not think that your condition will get worse, on the contrary, the immune system reacts strongly to such stress and be able to quickly deal with the disease.
Remember that before any treatment is necessary to consult with your doctor.
Cold foot bath - a great way to bring the body to tone! If you expensive health of your friends - be sure to tell them how to strengthen the immune system without drugs!
via takprosto.cc
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