5 miracle cures based on turmeric, which you will forget the way to the pharmacy!
Turmeric - a plant that belongs to the ginger family, and aromatic spices of the same name is produced from its roots. In Europe and America turmeric hit due to the great navigator Vasco da Gama. As soon as he turned to go around Africa and come to the shores of Indochina, we were flooded varied and very unusual seasonings, which in those days was worth its weight in gold. Turmeric got our food with pepper, saffron, zira and successfully won one of the seats of honor.
I have repeatedly told you about the health properties of turmeric and even its ability to prevent and treat cancer. Today, we will share with you some more useful prescription drugs from Orange wonderful spices.
Prescription drugs against obesity, atherosclerosis and diabetes
Turmeric is capable not only help to lose weight, but also to clear the vessels and lower blood sugar levels. It's no secret that this spice is a part of the set of dietary supplements and dietary products. But why buy them if it is possible to cook for at least an effective medicine.
Preparation: em>
Pour 1 hour. L. turmeric powder, red chili pepper on the tip of a knife, and the same ground mummy glass of boiled water. Thoroughly mix the mixture. Drink one glass half an hour before meals three times a day.
Treatment of cold
There are 2 sufficiently effective prescription medicines for colds turmeric. The first - a bracing, anti-inflammatory warm drink.
Preparation: em>
Boil a glass of milk, cool to a temperature of about 40 degrees. Then add to it a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a teaspoon of honey, the best of lime. Mix thoroughly this mixture and drink three times a day for an hour before eating or two hours after a meal.
The second recipe will help, if you picked up a sore throat. Because turmeric is possible to prepare a kind of topical antibiotic, which is best used after a thorough rinse sore throat.
Preparation: em>
Mix a teaspoon of honey and candied bit of turmeric powder. Put this mixture in your mouth and slowly absorbable for at least five minutes. Thereafter, to abstain from drinking and eating two to three hours. It is best to take this medicine at bedtime.
The cure for burns, wounds and acne
Turmeric has healing properties, so it can be prepared from the compound for therapeutic wraps and masks. Dressings with means should be changed every three hours. Turmeric helps to cope with the oozing whiteheads. To do this, apply a therapeutic composition on clean face as a mask and keep for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with boiled water.
Preparation: em>
Mound 3-5 Art. l. turmeric in a glass or porcelain dish. Then squeeze out the juice to aloe leaves room until until a creamy mass, which can be conveniently applied to the skin. It is not necessary to store the mixture, use it immediately.
Honey candies from hypertension
This recipe of traditional medicine will be the salvation for everyone who suffers from high blood pressure. Although the recipe is more complex, the effect of this medicine is invaluable.
Ingredients: em>
1 tbsp. l. flax seeds; 1 tbsp. l. sesame seeds; 1 tbsp. l. poppy; 1 h. liter. turmeric; 2 tbsp. l. honey. Preparation: em>
Grind in a coffee grinder first four ingredients and mix them with honey. From the resulting mass roll up sweets 4-5. They should be enough for one day of treatment. And for the prevention of hypertension will be enough, and 1 candy per day.
The biggest benefit of medicines on the basis of turmeric - their naturalness. This spice is guaranteed not to harm your health. Try replacing the pharmacy drugs prepared at home.
via takprosto.cc
I have repeatedly told you about the health properties of turmeric and even its ability to prevent and treat cancer. Today, we will share with you some more useful prescription drugs from Orange wonderful spices.

Prescription drugs against obesity, atherosclerosis and diabetes
Turmeric is capable not only help to lose weight, but also to clear the vessels and lower blood sugar levels. It's no secret that this spice is a part of the set of dietary supplements and dietary products. But why buy them if it is possible to cook for at least an effective medicine.
Preparation: em>
Pour 1 hour. L. turmeric powder, red chili pepper on the tip of a knife, and the same ground mummy glass of boiled water. Thoroughly mix the mixture. Drink one glass half an hour before meals three times a day.
Treatment of cold
There are 2 sufficiently effective prescription medicines for colds turmeric. The first - a bracing, anti-inflammatory warm drink.
Preparation: em>
Boil a glass of milk, cool to a temperature of about 40 degrees. Then add to it a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a teaspoon of honey, the best of lime. Mix thoroughly this mixture and drink three times a day for an hour before eating or two hours after a meal.
The second recipe will help, if you picked up a sore throat. Because turmeric is possible to prepare a kind of topical antibiotic, which is best used after a thorough rinse sore throat.
Preparation: em>
Mix a teaspoon of honey and candied bit of turmeric powder. Put this mixture in your mouth and slowly absorbable for at least five minutes. Thereafter, to abstain from drinking and eating two to three hours. It is best to take this medicine at bedtime.
The cure for burns, wounds and acne
Turmeric has healing properties, so it can be prepared from the compound for therapeutic wraps and masks. Dressings with means should be changed every three hours. Turmeric helps to cope with the oozing whiteheads. To do this, apply a therapeutic composition on clean face as a mask and keep for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with boiled water.
Preparation: em>
Mound 3-5 Art. l. turmeric in a glass or porcelain dish. Then squeeze out the juice to aloe leaves room until until a creamy mass, which can be conveniently applied to the skin. It is not necessary to store the mixture, use it immediately.
Honey candies from hypertension
This recipe of traditional medicine will be the salvation for everyone who suffers from high blood pressure. Although the recipe is more complex, the effect of this medicine is invaluable.
Ingredients: em>
1 tbsp. l. flax seeds; 1 tbsp. l. sesame seeds; 1 tbsp. l. poppy; 1 h. liter. turmeric; 2 tbsp. l. honey. Preparation: em>
Grind in a coffee grinder first four ingredients and mix them with honey. From the resulting mass roll up sweets 4-5. They should be enough for one day of treatment. And for the prevention of hypertension will be enough, and 1 candy per day.
The biggest benefit of medicines on the basis of turmeric - their naturalness. This spice is guaranteed not to harm your health. Try replacing the pharmacy drugs prepared at home.
via takprosto.cc
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