5 damn cool ideas for children's rooms, which are the dream of every child!
Create a pleasant atmosphere in the children's much easier than you think. The room can be decorated with things made by hand. It is not only very bright and original, but is much cheaper than buying expensive items in the store interior. In the book "How to equip a children's" gathered dozens of ideas with step by step instructions for decorating the baby's room. In front of you a few of them.
1. Limiter Door "Birdie»
The hands can be a very handy thing - stop for the door. Such a thing is put the ring on the door handle, and the braid spread to the opposite handle. The limiter is needed to firmly close the door with a strong draft or leave it slightly ajar at night.
To make the stop, you will need a multi-colored felt, glue spider, padding polyester stuffing, colored threads, patches and beads for eyes. Details birds cut from felt, and then he stuffed synthetic padding and non-ferrous scraps are binding. That's all - ready to stop.
2. Drawings
From a conventional wooden slats, clothespins, acrylic primer and acrylic paint can make a great gift to your child - a solo exhibition of drawings.
Take the piece of wood length of 105 centimeters and sand it with sandpaper. Then glue the pegs at a distance of 21 centimeters from each other. Then this design is necessary to cover the acrylic primer and paint with colored clothespins acrylic paints. Now, take pictures of the child and jokes of their clothespins. Ready frame is best to hang at the level of growth of the child, so that he himself could insert those pictures that he loves most.
3. Colourful paper curtains
If you have colored paper, thread and sewing machine, then you can do all this great multicolored curtains for the nursery. To do this, just cut out a lot of laps, or any other shapes: diamond shapes, snowflakes, stars. After circles are cut, they must make a typewriter. The distance between the circles 1, 5-2 cm. In each curtain you should get 15-20 bands, and each band - 20-25 laps.
4. The cosmic mobility
Surely, you have at home sometimes appear cartons that you throw away, although they can be used for peaceful purposes. For example, from an ordinary cardboard box can make a real space mobility. To do this, you need only acrylic paints, hoop beads. First, you need to cut parts Mobile, then they should be painted with acrylic paints and the spread on the skin. As the intermediate elements can be used beads. The elements must be mounted at 4-5 pieces on 5 strings.
5. Child's Name
What could be nicer than to see and hear your own name? Young children, even those who can not read, it's a visual image of the name will quickly learn how to spell. Child's name can be made from fabric pads and even from conventional cardboard. Ready label can be placed wherever you like your imagination: on the bookshelf, table, windowsill.
The easiest way - is to make the letters of thick felt. As a pattern you can use the letters of the child printed on the computer. Then, a thick felt can be glued directly on them or on cardboard. Feel free to embellish your designs with beads or buttons.
Even more ideas for baby + full instructions and patterns search in the book "How to equip a children».
via takprosto.cc
1. Limiter Door "Birdie»

The hands can be a very handy thing - stop for the door. Such a thing is put the ring on the door handle, and the braid spread to the opposite handle. The limiter is needed to firmly close the door with a strong draft or leave it slightly ajar at night.
To make the stop, you will need a multi-colored felt, glue spider, padding polyester stuffing, colored threads, patches and beads for eyes. Details birds cut from felt, and then he stuffed synthetic padding and non-ferrous scraps are binding. That's all - ready to stop.
2. Drawings

From a conventional wooden slats, clothespins, acrylic primer and acrylic paint can make a great gift to your child - a solo exhibition of drawings.
Take the piece of wood length of 105 centimeters and sand it with sandpaper. Then glue the pegs at a distance of 21 centimeters from each other. Then this design is necessary to cover the acrylic primer and paint with colored clothespins acrylic paints. Now, take pictures of the child and jokes of their clothespins. Ready frame is best to hang at the level of growth of the child, so that he himself could insert those pictures that he loves most.
3. Colourful paper curtains

If you have colored paper, thread and sewing machine, then you can do all this great multicolored curtains for the nursery. To do this, just cut out a lot of laps, or any other shapes: diamond shapes, snowflakes, stars. After circles are cut, they must make a typewriter. The distance between the circles 1, 5-2 cm. In each curtain you should get 15-20 bands, and each band - 20-25 laps.
4. The cosmic mobility

Surely, you have at home sometimes appear cartons that you throw away, although they can be used for peaceful purposes. For example, from an ordinary cardboard box can make a real space mobility. To do this, you need only acrylic paints, hoop beads. First, you need to cut parts Mobile, then they should be painted with acrylic paints and the spread on the skin. As the intermediate elements can be used beads. The elements must be mounted at 4-5 pieces on 5 strings.
5. Child's Name

What could be nicer than to see and hear your own name? Young children, even those who can not read, it's a visual image of the name will quickly learn how to spell. Child's name can be made from fabric pads and even from conventional cardboard. Ready label can be placed wherever you like your imagination: on the bookshelf, table, windowsill.
The easiest way - is to make the letters of thick felt. As a pattern you can use the letters of the child printed on the computer. Then, a thick felt can be glued directly on them or on cardboard. Feel free to embellish your designs with beads or buttons.
Even more ideas for baby + full instructions and patterns search in the book "How to equip a children».
via takprosto.cc
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