Other people's children do not happen

mother's heart - it is a source of great and boundless love. Moms are able to love and care for all children, even if they are not native. This reminded us once again mother cat, which not only saved ezhat, but also took care of all their care.
On one of the suburban areas were found and another small blind ezhata. Everything has been thought that their fate is sealed, but the red cat Sonia decided to help kids.

She not only fed ezhat, but took them under his wing like a real mother.

All the time she spends next to the kids.

Sonia has a kitty, but she did not see the difference between their children and foster children. They all live together friendly Coto ezhinoy family.

This story has also proved that the other children do not happen!
via channelfeed.ru/zhizn/mama-koshka/