Frightening drivers of social advertising "Fund relatives of victims in road accidents"
For the Novosibirsk regional public organization "Outpost" (Foundation for the relatives of victims in road accidents) Advertising experts group "Melekhov and Filyurin" have been developed: the name, logo and corporate identity, creative part of the campaign "Please reduce your speed" .Kampaniya developed by the beginning of summer and is associated with an increase in the number of accidents involving children and adolescents. As the character of the campaign was conceived growth figure of the child, which has become the protagonist of the movie, and a non-standard element of outdoor advertising.
The campaign "Please reduce your speed" - the first implemented stage communication strategy, as developed by the WG "Melekhov and Filyurin».
Naming, communicative strategy: Svetlana Novikova
The idea print advertising: Vladimir Sergeev
Design: Sergey Russian (logo, corporate identity), Vladimir Canaanites, Michael Ugozhaev Pavel Alekseev (campaign materials)
Screenplay: Vladimir Sergeev, Dmitry Tsvetkov
Producer: Daniel Chudinov
Client Manager: Ekaterina Glebova
via # image5316555
The campaign "Please reduce your speed" - the first implemented stage communication strategy, as developed by the WG "Melekhov and Filyurin».
Naming, communicative strategy: Svetlana Novikova
The idea print advertising: Vladimir Sergeev
Design: Sergey Russian (logo, corporate identity), Vladimir Canaanites, Michael Ugozhaev Pavel Alekseev (campaign materials)
Screenplay: Vladimir Sergeev, Dmitry Tsvetkov
Producer: Daniel Chudinov
Client Manager: Ekaterina Glebova
via # image5316555
Orange builds stage sets of life - 2 new video campaign
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