On motives clip Prodigy made advertising an energy drink
Energy Drink Cult Raw Energy took a viral video based on the video banned Prodigy «Smack My Bitch Up». The purpose of the virus - to show that the Cult Raw Energy contains twice as much caffeine and so the children can not drink it as exciting effect unpredictable power can affect the body not strong.
This effect is most unpredictable and demonstrates the viral video, shot in the first person, which was the reference to the banned broadcasts on all video channels and online video services group Prodigy for the song «Smack My Bitch Up». Music video from the first person shows one night in the life of Man, full of booze, drugs, music, sex and fights, which in the end it turns out that it was not at all a guy and a girl.
The shock advertising power and the ending is unpredictable, and violence and sex are the main themes.
5 in stock! 47 Comments
This effect is most unpredictable and demonstrates the viral video, shot in the first person, which was the reference to the banned broadcasts on all video channels and online video services group Prodigy for the song «Smack My Bitch Up». Music video from the first person shows one night in the life of Man, full of booze, drugs, music, sex and fights, which in the end it turns out that it was not at all a guy and a girl.
The shock advertising power and the ending is unpredictable, and violence and sex are the main themes.
5 in stock! 47 Comments
- 1 December 2009
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