Advertisers showed their fakie
Finalists of the 1st contest of advertising that nobody zakazyval.Na "Feykstival" 227 works were submitted, and the final could only reach 36. The audio and video does not contain any of the finalist.
At the tender were announced:
At the tender were announced:
- work that had been done in a fit of inspiration, regardless of the order;
- concepts that are not implemented due to the lack of investors;
- work done in the framework of the student projects;
- work, which for some reason were not taken by the customer.
Adi does! by Turart
GLUE and drink from Ilya Kalimulina
Made in Russia by Alexander Galaganova (Premiart) 89,294,418
Irish Pub (poedenlink) from Alexander and Dmitry NovohatskogoTishkovsky
Irish Pub (sobbuta) from Alexander and Dmitry NovohatskogoTishkovsky
Irish Pub (pnyattsiya) from Alexander and Dmitry NovohatskogoTishkovsky
Vans from Paul Dedova
Lego - Zen Series by Natalia and Jaroslav KamenetskogoChesalin
AydentikaTuristichesky logo for Issyk-Kul from Turart
Nizhny Novgorod from Mary Ponomarёvoy
Up! by Sviatoslav Kostrikina
A business card of Andrei Arshavin from Valery Frolova
Do'ppi - skullcap from Rustam Babadjanov'a
Business city of Petra Storozhenko
Real Prostor by Andrew Grabelnikova
one bird's studio by Andrey Zaletova
XARIZMAS from Vladimir Lifanova
Unifish from BLEKVER
InternetGenerator enthusiastic slogans for BMW by Kirill and Ilya RyzhkovaLevashova
Schizophrenia by Alexei Labzina
Oxford by Dmitry Чигиринаhttp://player.vimeo.com/video/23471393?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0
UpakovkaCoca Cola Kids Edition from Shamil Ramazanova
MORFOZE. Polyhedron soap from Eugene Razumova
Chokcers from DOIT Group (fake) 50,180,443
Chosollider by Yaroslav Shuvaeva
Samurai from StudioIN packaging ideas
Fleur de Lis on StudioIN packaging ideas
Artea from Mary Ponomarёvoy
Packing for children's basketball shoe from Julia Fidirkinoy
Subject dizaynCookies for geeks from Estivastudio
Chair-Cola from Estivastudio
Combining a tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush from Estivastudio
Krestubus from DOIT Group (fake) 62,180,047
Sponsored kampaniiAlternativny monument to Yeltsin from StritArta.
Muse by Julia Aksёnovoy
"Europe is closer than you think" for S7 from sorrybro
In order to get in short, the work was to get at least half of the votes of the jury. And if one is in the jury included eight people, then at the last moment, Igor Ganzha and Roman Kirichenko were unable to perform the duties assigned
their commitments. Therefore, the "pass mark" in proportion to the decreased from four to three.
As a result, we have 6 finalists in prints (99 applications), 12 Identity (35) 3 on the internet, in the package 8, 4 and 3 product design in advertising campaigns.
Then wait - 1. Identification of the winners in each category, 2. Identification of the owner of Epic Fake prize and the Audience Prize and 3. Identification of the owner of the Grand Prix!
via fakestival.ru/jury