6 great names of contemporary street art
The street art every detail, detail, shadow, color, line. The artist creates a stylized logo - "unique sign" and shows it on the areas of the urban landscape. The most important thing in street art - not assigned territory, and to involve the viewer in a dialogue and to show a different scene. The Art of street art was born in 1942 and rapidly evolved with each decade. The new variety of forms of street art often superior to sweep all that has been created before. We offer to view 6 great artists of contemporary street art.
BanksyPoyavlyayas at night and drawing on what is necessary, this semi-mythical man became a legend, and gained great popularity among the lovers of contemporary art. His paintings are cut along the walls of houses and sell at auction for hundreds of thousands of dollars. But most of it was not known almost nothing. For the authorities in London he was a criminal, for lovers of contemporary art - a genius.
"Naked." This figure is on the front of the Bristol Clinic on Park Street, where patients undergo treatment for sexual disorders. After numerous requests from the public, Bristol City Council has decided not to paint over the graffiti it.
"Behind the wall". The "Wall" includes a virtual reality underscores the denial of the existence of mankind, which is a fence - the children are cut off from the sea and forced to play with buckets and shovels on a pile of stones, but this time behind the wall ...
"I remember when there were trees».
"Picnic". Banksy The exhibition, which was held in Los Angeles in 2006, Angelina Jolie bought three works by the artist for 400 thousand dollars. Among the acquisitions were painting "Picnic", worth 226 thousand. Dollars.
"A person is removed from the wall of graffiti." This picture appeared in the May 2008 street Leake Street in London. By August 2008, this graffiti has been painted over. Please note - images of animals look like cave paintings of primitive man in the cave of Lascaux in France and Altamira in Spain.
VhilsRaboty Portuguese artist Alexander Fart simply breathtaking. They are elegant and expressive. From the side it is difficult to even imagine that his paintings are made by scratching the wall coverings. Alexander as a canvas using abandoned houses. His incredible work of art made available to the public masses, decorate the city and impress the minds of passers-by.
Vhils visited Moscow and left on one of his homes "Autograph».
The motto of the author - destroying you create. So - tear, scrap, scratch - you do art.
Time to create a portrait depends on the height of the wall. Creating a portrait on the wall, two-story building from the author takes a whole day.
It seems to be a kind of art, selected by the artist, it looks nice on the outside, but absolutely unthinkable in art salons and galleries. But Alexander luck manages to do and exhibition options for his paintings, using old doors, walls, billboards, fences.
Mark Jenkins JenkinsMark - American artist, famous for its street installations created from packing tape. Works of Mark Jenkins have been observed in a number of publications including Time, The Washington Post, Reuters, The Independent and blog dedicated to street art, Wooster Collective. He also exhibited in galleries in the United States, Europe, Japan and Brazil, represented by a number of galleries, including the Lazarides Gallery in London. The artist created a website tapesculpture.org with steps for the manufacture of sculptures from the film, as well as master classes in the cities he visits.
"I do not know - I'm an artist or not, but I like the psychological impact that my work is done the people».
"Newspaper people».
According to Jenkins, his works encourage bystanders to comprehend the essence of the universe, starting from what they see. The reaction of people Jenkins loves to record on video.
Projects Jenkins inspired others to create a Scottish culture everywhere.
AboveAmerikansky street artist, born in the early 1980s in California. He grew up in a family of hippies, fond of drawing since childhood, and later, skateboarding. In 1995, he began to paint on freight trains, and later became known for his stencils and inscriptions on political and social themes. Above you can see works in more than fifty countries around the world.
"Give to the poor." Graffiti in Lisbon, drawn due to the increase of homeless people in Portugal.
"First love". California, in 2009.
"Cleaner leaves».
"Be above fears».
RoaPiter ROA - Belgian artist street art, which draws around the world black and white animals: rats, rabbits, dead and half-dead birds, often creepy anatomical details. According to Peter, he can draw anything, and draws animals simply because it pleases him most. In various works he takes from a couple of hours to two or three sleepless nights.
ROA travels. In his travels he paints animals in countries where went. His melancholic character greatly affects the majority of the work. So in his work can be traced strict graphic quality, dark tones and contrasts death.
"Giraffe". Africa, in 2011.
Work ROA in Moscow.
MentalgassiArt-team Mentalgassi, as well as many street artists, trying to transform the urban space, giving new meaning to the surrounding objects. Characterized by the work of their "colleagues" in the art that they are not placed on the walls or the bus stops, and on the walls.
"Making the invisible be visible." Mentalgass pointed to the plight of Troy Davis, a 42-year-old man, who is on death row in the United States.
"The Girl on the grill».
Street Art, undoubtedly has its own philosophy and is popular around the world, which testifies to its aesthetic value and assigns it to the form of the progressive, dynamic art, it is art, not a manifestation of bad manners. After all, the great street art artists make visible to others that are usually considered part of the gray area streets.
See also: - An unforgettable street art
- Knitted street art
- Steep street art: the revived street
via www.adme.ru/hudozhniki-i-art-proekty/krutoj-strit-art-ozhivshie-ulicy-318455/
BanksyPoyavlyayas at night and drawing on what is necessary, this semi-mythical man became a legend, and gained great popularity among the lovers of contemporary art. His paintings are cut along the walls of houses and sell at auction for hundreds of thousands of dollars. But most of it was not known almost nothing. For the authorities in London he was a criminal, for lovers of contemporary art - a genius.
"Naked." This figure is on the front of the Bristol Clinic on Park Street, where patients undergo treatment for sexual disorders. After numerous requests from the public, Bristol City Council has decided not to paint over the graffiti it.
"Behind the wall". The "Wall" includes a virtual reality underscores the denial of the existence of mankind, which is a fence - the children are cut off from the sea and forced to play with buckets and shovels on a pile of stones, but this time behind the wall ...
"I remember when there were trees».
"Picnic". Banksy The exhibition, which was held in Los Angeles in 2006, Angelina Jolie bought three works by the artist for 400 thousand dollars. Among the acquisitions were painting "Picnic", worth 226 thousand. Dollars.
"A person is removed from the wall of graffiti." This picture appeared in the May 2008 street Leake Street in London. By August 2008, this graffiti has been painted over. Please note - images of animals look like cave paintings of primitive man in the cave of Lascaux in France and Altamira in Spain.
VhilsRaboty Portuguese artist Alexander Fart simply breathtaking. They are elegant and expressive. From the side it is difficult to even imagine that his paintings are made by scratching the wall coverings. Alexander as a canvas using abandoned houses. His incredible work of art made available to the public masses, decorate the city and impress the minds of passers-by.
Vhils visited Moscow and left on one of his homes "Autograph».
The motto of the author - destroying you create. So - tear, scrap, scratch - you do art.
Time to create a portrait depends on the height of the wall. Creating a portrait on the wall, two-story building from the author takes a whole day.
It seems to be a kind of art, selected by the artist, it looks nice on the outside, but absolutely unthinkable in art salons and galleries. But Alexander luck manages to do and exhibition options for his paintings, using old doors, walls, billboards, fences.
Mark Jenkins JenkinsMark - American artist, famous for its street installations created from packing tape. Works of Mark Jenkins have been observed in a number of publications including Time, The Washington Post, Reuters, The Independent and blog dedicated to street art, Wooster Collective. He also exhibited in galleries in the United States, Europe, Japan and Brazil, represented by a number of galleries, including the Lazarides Gallery in London. The artist created a website tapesculpture.org with steps for the manufacture of sculptures from the film, as well as master classes in the cities he visits.
"I do not know - I'm an artist or not, but I like the psychological impact that my work is done the people».
"Newspaper people».
According to Jenkins, his works encourage bystanders to comprehend the essence of the universe, starting from what they see. The reaction of people Jenkins loves to record on video.
Projects Jenkins inspired others to create a Scottish culture everywhere.
AboveAmerikansky street artist, born in the early 1980s in California. He grew up in a family of hippies, fond of drawing since childhood, and later, skateboarding. In 1995, he began to paint on freight trains, and later became known for his stencils and inscriptions on political and social themes. Above you can see works in more than fifty countries around the world.
"Give to the poor." Graffiti in Lisbon, drawn due to the increase of homeless people in Portugal.
"First love". California, in 2009.
"Cleaner leaves».
"Be above fears».
RoaPiter ROA - Belgian artist street art, which draws around the world black and white animals: rats, rabbits, dead and half-dead birds, often creepy anatomical details. According to Peter, he can draw anything, and draws animals simply because it pleases him most. In various works he takes from a couple of hours to two or three sleepless nights.
ROA travels. In his travels he paints animals in countries where went. His melancholic character greatly affects the majority of the work. So in his work can be traced strict graphic quality, dark tones and contrasts death.
"Giraffe". Africa, in 2011.
Work ROA in Moscow.
MentalgassiArt-team Mentalgassi, as well as many street artists, trying to transform the urban space, giving new meaning to the surrounding objects. Characterized by the work of their "colleagues" in the art that they are not placed on the walls or the bus stops, and on the walls.
"Making the invisible be visible." Mentalgass pointed to the plight of Troy Davis, a 42-year-old man, who is on death row in the United States.
"The Girl on the grill».
Street Art, undoubtedly has its own philosophy and is popular around the world, which testifies to its aesthetic value and assigns it to the form of the progressive, dynamic art, it is art, not a manifestation of bad manners. After all, the great street art artists make visible to others that are usually considered part of the gray area streets.
See also: - An unforgettable street art
- Knitted street art
- Steep street art: the revived street
via www.adme.ru/hudozhniki-i-art-proekty/krutoj-strit-art-ozhivshie-ulicy-318455/