Creative architecture
Among the most original buildings of the world, there are many offices and exhibition centers, built by order of the world-famous korporatsiy.V what conditions is born the world's best creative, site already shown in the survey about the most interesting interiors of advertising agencies. Now we offer you a look at the headquarters of the mega-brands - a place where the brain is a successful global companies. As well as a few unique buildings from around the world, shocking for its architecture.
See Creative architecture Part 1 Residential complex "Forest Spiral" in Darmstadt, Germaniya
City of Arts and Science in Valencia, Ispaniya
Hotel «Waterworld» in Kitae
Residential house in shellfish Meksike
Skyscraper "Aqua" in Chikago
Headquartered in Adidas Germanii
College of Art and Design in Ontario
Hundertwasser House in Vene
Hotel "Parus" in Dubae
Project Cybertecture Egg for Mumbai
Aragon Pavilion in Ispanii
Burj Khalifa in Dubae
Hotel Marina Bay Sands in Singapure
House UFO Tayvane
National Library Belarusi
Experimental Music Project in Seattle, SSHA
Dalí Theatre-Museum in Ispanii
Chapel Academy Air Force SSHA
Residential building in Madrid, Ispaniya
Hotel "The UAE Tower - 2" in Dubae
Botanical Garden "Eden" in the UK
Church of Notre Dame du Haut Frantsii
Lotus Temple in Indii
Office of Gas Natural in Barcelona, Ispaniya
House-egg in Moskve
Headquartered in Darcons Meksike
The Opera House in Valencia, Spain
See also: Creative architecture Part 1
via www.adme.ru/kreativnyj-obzor/kreativ-v-arhitekture-231205/
See Creative architecture Part 1 Residential complex "Forest Spiral" in Darmstadt, Germaniya
City of Arts and Science in Valencia, Ispaniya
Hotel «Waterworld» in Kitae
Residential house in shellfish Meksike
Skyscraper "Aqua" in Chikago
Headquartered in Adidas Germanii
College of Art and Design in Ontario
Hundertwasser House in Vene
Hotel "Parus" in Dubae
Project Cybertecture Egg for Mumbai
Aragon Pavilion in Ispanii
Burj Khalifa in Dubae
Hotel Marina Bay Sands in Singapure
House UFO Tayvane
National Library Belarusi
Experimental Music Project in Seattle, SSHA
Dalí Theatre-Museum in Ispanii
Chapel Academy Air Force SSHA
Residential building in Madrid, Ispaniya
Hotel "The UAE Tower - 2" in Dubae
Botanical Garden "Eden" in the UK
Church of Notre Dame du Haut Frantsii
Lotus Temple in Indii
Office of Gas Natural in Barcelona, Ispaniya
House-egg in Moskve
Headquartered in Darcons Meksike
The Opera House in Valencia, Spain
See also: Creative architecture Part 1
via www.adme.ru/kreativnyj-obzor/kreativ-v-arhitekture-231205/