- Hello children. The topic of today lesson - "rollback". Who can tell me what a rollback?
- Rollback - a cash equivalent of gratitude for the fact that the tender chosen our company.
- What is a tender?
- Tender - a championship industry kickbacks.
- Good for you, sit down, six. Four and two you know where you yourself.
Write the problem statement. Vanya had 5 apples. According to the documents. 3 In fact, as the contract 7.
Question: how many apples will be the one who checks Vanina economic activity?
Next question. Influence of family ties to corruption. Sanat.
- I have not learned.
- Sit down, five.
- Thank you dad.
- Who will lead me examples of corruption in the history? No one knows? Gogol "Dead Souls" how many volumes written on the documents? Two. A passed? One. Where's the other? Burned! Now you understand why we have a new computer lab burned down? And why the gym will soon burn?
And the last question. Give me the ideal industry.
- Nanotechnology!
- Why?
- Because the money is being spent on the result, invisible to the human eye!
- Well done!
- Do not forget to tell their parents to hand over 500 rubles to repair the class.
- Again 500!
- I will hand over on 300. Do not be afraid, if the parents will be asked to say that gathered at 500. Goodbye!
Next read: - How to make the Russian advertising
- How do smart people make miserable ads
- Advertising proverbs
Author: OIO Astana.kz
via www.adme.ru/articles/reklamnye-poslovicy-i-pogovorki-200805/
- Rollback - a cash equivalent of gratitude for the fact that the tender chosen our company.
- What is a tender?
- Tender - a championship industry kickbacks.
- Good for you, sit down, six. Four and two you know where you yourself.
Write the problem statement. Vanya had 5 apples. According to the documents. 3 In fact, as the contract 7.
Question: how many apples will be the one who checks Vanina economic activity?
Next question. Influence of family ties to corruption. Sanat.
- I have not learned.
- Sit down, five.
- Thank you dad.
- Who will lead me examples of corruption in the history? No one knows? Gogol "Dead Souls" how many volumes written on the documents? Two. A passed? One. Where's the other? Burned! Now you understand why we have a new computer lab burned down? And why the gym will soon burn?
And the last question. Give me the ideal industry.
- Nanotechnology!
- Why?
- Because the money is being spent on the result, invisible to the human eye!
- Well done!
- Do not forget to tell their parents to hand over 500 rubles to repair the class.
- Again 500!
- I will hand over on 300. Do not be afraid, if the parents will be asked to say that gathered at 500. Goodbye!

Next read: - How to make the Russian advertising
- How do smart people make miserable ads
- Advertising proverbs
Author: OIO Astana.kz
via www.adme.ru/articles/reklamnye-poslovicy-i-pogovorki-200805/