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The modern model of education does not work

excerpt from the book by Michael Ellsberg "millionaire without a diploma" .Sovremennaya education system is outdated. She pulls out the life of 15-20 years and grows not adapted to people's lives.

You said if the study hard in school, get into a good college and successfully finish it, success in life is guaranteed. Perhaps it was fifty years ago. But today everything is different. If you want to succeed in today's world, should address the skills learned are useful in real life, and work on the development of such qualities and skills that will allow you to significantly outstrip Chartered standouts. It does not matter, you have learned at university or not.

Of course, the university can learn a lot of great things, but they do not have nothing to do with a successful career or financial prosperity. You can develop the erudition and hone critical thinking skills, broaden their horizons, enthusiastically plunging into the rich cultural and intellectual heritage of great thinkers. All these worthy aspirations. But do not think that, by dealing with the concentration of these cases, and received a diploma in support, you can count on successful employment with a guarantee of employment for the next forty years and then receive a good pension. More and more people (including those who have not yet received a higher education) are beginning to realize that the old recipe for a successful career is no longer valid. It's time to look for new ways.

School evaluations of people of the industrial age the main occupation in life at the age of 6 to 22 years has been - if slightly exaggerate - in getting good grades. Of course, great importance was attached, and other activities such as sports, for example, which give solidity autobiography to enroll in college. But if you ask just that, in the opinion of parents, teachers, politicians and society in general, should be the focus of young people from 6 to 22 years, the answer is simple - assessment.

Have you ever wondered how this is ridiculous? How could anyone could have imagined that zeal for learning is a necessary and sufficient condition for success in life? Why do we have convinced themselves that this is the right to carry out the best sixteen years of his life? Why should you spend your youth - years of life with a huge potential, full of enthusiasm, energy, creativity and fun - to get beautiful pieces of paper confirming the study of a particular academic program?

Maybe you still have not noticed, but it's pretty stupid system. Her stupidity is that if you do not want to continue working in science, then all that you will learn, except for the basic professional knowledge, will have no impact on the success in your professional interests. Developing a practical intelligence, you, on the contrary, make a very large investment in future success.

School zhizniTakzhe as the development of an IQ higher average level has nothing to do with the efficiency of real-life assessment (on which we are working hard for sixteen years) above the mean values ​​did not correlate with higher chances of success in life, great achievements or a sense of self-realization.

Compare the life of two people, from birth had very high rates of mental development: Chris Langan, "the smartest man in America," whose IQ passes for 200, and Robert Oppenheimer, scientific director of the Manhattan Project. The level of their talent is comparable, but one of them (Oppenheimer) has made an outstanding contribution to the history and the other (Langan) can not boast of anything but numerous attempts to publish their research.

The main difference is that Oppenheimer, in addition to its highest intellect, possessed a highly developed practical intelligence helped him to behave with people from whom depended on its success. All these little things - to know what to whom, when and how to say in order to obtain the best possible result - given to him easily. Langan, by contrast, was almost devoid of quality. Therefore his name we do not often have to hear when it comes to significant achievements.

Once a person reaches a certain level of logical thinking and basic erudition, other factors take on a dominant role in determining the measure of his success in life, namely creativity, innovative thinking, practical and social intelligence. It is important to note that all these qualities are formed in the conditions of real life situations, rather than through formal education.

Education - not obrazovannostPoverte I both hands support the pursuit of knowledge for the sake of knowledge and mastery of the tools to better understand the world and society. To see this, just look at my bookshelf, clogged books on philosophy, psychology, politics, spiritual development, poetry, biographies, and all kinds of different popular scientific literature. But is it impossible to love and desire for knowledge less costly ways - for example, by reading books on their own, after work and on weekends, or enrolling in correspondence courses online?

The strange thing is, in my opinion, that education is, in fact, has become a way of life that allows people not to think. The decision to pursue higher education is taken by young people on autopilot, without the slightest regard for what they really expect from life.

Unfortunately, our formal education is gradually transformed into a system very strongly oriented status. The status is acquired with a clear implementation of specific rules. Get a degree, get a job, do one or the other - and gain the desired status. This is firmly become stronger hierarchical system of our society. Agree to learn for the sake of status - it is wrong, and it is known to all. I situation in the education system is reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz hiding behind the curtain. I believe that our formal education has become too focused on status, and is surprisingly far from the fact that the interested people who want to succeed in life and to the world around a positive impact. And the situation is seriously exacerbated by the fact that our society is becoming more and more predictable.

Today, everyone is trying to find a life as possible predictable and safe activity, and yet in the next few decades, the world will become more and more frantic, chaotic and unpredictable.

Unfortunately, the education system in its present form, from kindergarten to post-graduate education, has nothing to do with flexibility, resistance and adaptability. She teaches a narrow set of academic and analytical skills, at most not related to the practical realities of life, they hammered into our heads for hours, days, weeks, months and years. Of course, the analytical skills needed to succeed in a changing world, but that's not all. Success, happiness, innovation, achievement and leadership depend on a range of human skills, most of which are not taught in any school or institution of higher education.

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